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Thread: New PowerARC 280STH for 2014

  1. #1

    Default New PowerARC 280STH for 2014

    We've been in "top secret" development mode. We'll soon be releasing a brand new unit...the 2014 PowerARC 280STH.

    This unit is designed for equally professionally compelling performance for Stick and DC TIG operation. It's got roots in the PowerArc and Power iTIG line. But it's definitely a true stick welder. The unit is digital microprocessor controlled and features dedicated 6010 performance settings, arc force control, hot start intensity and hot start time. It also features pulse tig control, foot pedal capability, HF start, and full 2T/4T controls with foot pedal capability.

    It's output ranges 5- 280 amps for TIG,5- 250 amps Stick output. Duty cycle is currently slated for 35% at max amps.
    Pulse TIG from .2-250hz
    240V 1 and 3 phase operation.

    It's a strong package, and has a great introductory price for 925.00.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by performance; 01-15-2014 at 01:00 AM.

  2. #2


    Looks like a very nice unit
    EverLast 140ST
    PowerPlasma 50
    No You Can't Use Them

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Does it have an open circuit voltage reduction mode for stick?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. #4


    Yes, it does.

  5. #5


    Interesting. Can it handle moderate carbon arc?

    Can I trade in my 160STH for credit? (no issues with that critter, just need more power) S/F....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
    Everlast 160STH
    Miller 225 Thunderbolt (sold it)
    Lincoln Squarewave 175 TIG(traded it for)
    Miller DEL 200 welder/genset
    Thermal Dynamics 1250XL plasma cutter
    Miller XMT300

  6. #6


    It's going to depend upon how long you've had it. It's not designed for carbon arc.

  7. #7


    Heck, I've got a proto-version, so I guess not, lol. No issue, the 160 will become the welder I keep in the truck and/or loan to friends. What's it pull (amps) at full power? S/F....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
    Everlast 160STH
    Miller 225 Thunderbolt (sold it)
    Lincoln Squarewave 175 TIG(traded it for)
    Miller DEL 200 welder/genset
    Thermal Dynamics 1250XL plasma cutter
    Miller XMT300

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    What will the weight of the 280STH come in at on just the machine only? Will it come with water cooled torch or air cooled or both?
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  9. #9


    Right now I expect just a 26 only. Keep in mind this is a PowerARC and is being promoted for its stick welding capabilities too...

    NO one has a protoversion. This is a completely new and different unit.

    Weight should be in the high 50's.

  10. #10


    Sorry, I have early version 160 STH; maybe wasn't clear on that. Been intending to get a AC/DC TIG from you guys, but I just don't find myself doing that much aluminum, and I am doing plenty of steel. S/F....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
    Everlast 160STH
    Miller 225 Thunderbolt (sold it)
    Lincoln Squarewave 175 TIG(traded it for)
    Miller DEL 200 welder/genset
    Thermal Dynamics 1250XL plasma cutter
    Miller XMT300

  11. #11


    So your gonna be competing with the Dynasty 280DX?
    Looks like a strong unit, what's the MSRP on it?
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  12. #12


    No this unit has nothing similar to the dynasty 280. This is a DC only Stick/TIG digital unit. IF it comes close to anything, it's the Maxstar 280. If we want to compete with the Dynasty 280, I'd point them to the 255ext. But in reality, it is them who are competing with us. For years they have not had a unit in the 250-280 amp range. We've been eating their lunch in that respect, and they've lost a lot of sales to the 250EX. We brought the 255ext out before they released the 280 and the original 250EXT was a year or so ahead of the 280 announcement.

  13. #13


    my bad, saw AC somewhere.
    Anyway, how much are they selling for?
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by AKweldshop View Post
    my bad, saw AC somewhere.
    Anyway, how much are they selling for?
    List is 1050.00

  15. #15


    OMG it has a threaded connector instead of a barb on the back! Haleluiajh!

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by joshuab View Post
    OMG it has a threaded connector instead of a barb on the back! Haleluiajh!
    Yes that is a lot nicer than the 5/16 barb!!
    I'm guessing its the 5/8 18 RH?
    When will Amazon get them?
    That's an amazing value.
    If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by AKweldshop View Post
    Yes that is a lot nicer than the 5/16 barb!!
    I'm guessing its the 5/8 18 RH?
    Could be, you can sorta see what could be a tapered seat in there, but I bet it's probably something like 1/4" BSP. That is a more common worldwide fitting. A, B, C Inert Gas Fittings are rare overseas.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  18. #18


    All unit have standard 5/8" CGA on the rear now...except very cheapest models.

  19. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    ...except very cheapest models.
    Hey Mark,

    Did you mean "entry models" ?


  20. #20


    Same thing.

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