Have a friend that works for Budweiser . He gave me a pump from one of his bars he supply's that was just going to throw it away ,He said it worked he just was putting in some new stuff at there bar with a newer pump so he took the pump since they was just tossing it and gave it to me for free . I sat it in one of my engine carts I have at my machine shop and grabbed one of the trans coolers i stock at my shop and mounted it on the side of the cart , for the tank used one of my 5 gallon jugs my honing oil comes in , washed the jug out with some machine shop cleaning soap so nice and clean . filled with distilled water . fired it up pumps 45 psi and works great. can weld for like 10 minutes or longer and water dose not even get warm in the 5 gallon jug . going to buy a small compact fridge for cart and put a cool plate inside the fridge that my Budweiser guy gave me for a fridge to cool my water for torch that way i have a cold beer next to me when welding too. love making stuff when most of the parts are free .