The 80S has been a great addidtion to the shop, espically 1/4" plate. I decided to try cutting some 1/2" parts for my personal cart and this was the best I was able to achieve, here are my settings.
.50" material HR
2.6 sec pierce
10 ipm
1.7 tip
.200 pierce
.125 cutting
Running a M60 filter
I should be up and running my drier soon, but should I be getting this much dross with this speed of cutting. I have tried up and downs cutting this part at various settings. The dross is hard to knock off, but the parts come off clean, when cleaned up. I am just worried about the IPM I think I should be getting a better speed than 10 ipm.
The 80S is a upgrade in amps over a PM 30 for the past 2 years. I do get alot of moisture in the air lines, because I swap in a air nozzle and I can just see the moisture spraying out at 80 psi. This is all before it goes through M60 filter. Also another issue is with the white spacer that protects the tip only after 20" of cutting through 1/2" HR, it is toasted and broken off, I'm sure this has to do with the heat and the low IPM. And with the addition of the air dryer soon, I know the speed will pickup, but in the meantime and insights would be great.