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Thread: Puller repair

  1. Default Puller repair

    I broke my dad's pulley puller. He did tell me to heat it, spray it and tap on it. Guess it was to hard a tap

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-10-11 09.22.32.jpg 
Views:	661 
Size:	148.2 KB 
ID:	11001Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-10-20 11.39.53.jpg 
Views:	670 
Size:	143.7 KB 
ID:	11000
    Everlast IMIG-200
    Dad's TIG and plasma
    Lots of tools
    Not lots of space.

  2. #2


    I admire your repair,,,but I have to ask a couple of questions,,,I have the same puller,,,had it for over 40 + years,,,used it a whole bunch of times and it still looks like new,,,your puller looks like it was stored in a bucket of salt water,,,the chrome is off it etc, etc,,,how is that possible,,,, must have an interesting history...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    I admire your repair,,,but I have to ask a couple of questions,,,I have the same puller,,,had it for over 40 + years,,,used it a whole bunch of times and it still looks like new,,,your puller looks like it was stored in a bucket of salt water,,,the chrome is off it etc, etc,,,how is that possible,,,, must have an interesting history...
    You are right. It is much older than me I just turned 18. It was in a toolbox under water in a poll barn. It was almost scrap metal a few years ago. Break was because of me, it is a strong puller I just hit it right. Dad normally deal with rust.
    Everlast IMIG-200
    Dad's TIG and plasma
    Lots of tools
    Not lots of space.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by chadford View Post
    You are right. It is much older than me I just turned 18. It was in a toolbox under water in a poll barn. It was almost scrap metal a few years ago. Break was because of me, it is a strong puller I just hit it right. Dad normally deal with rust.
    No harm intended,,,just pulling on your chain a bit,,,A man that can fix broken tools is okay by me...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Corner of "No" and "Where"


    It's one piece again, but I don't know that I would trust it. Gonna have to heat treat it to get the hardness back in it. It's gonna break again, and the weld will pull away from the metal - weak point created by the heat from the weld.
    Field Service Tech for a Concrete Paving Company
    Location: The corner of "No" and "Where"

    "If they break it, we will fix it"


    "Find some scrap and build a new one"

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