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Thread: 205S 4T not working

  1. Default 205S 4T not working

    Hey guys , I have a 205s that is having problems with the 4T setting. It seems to work fine on 2t but when I switch to 4t the arc will start fine and go out as soon as I release the switch. If I turn on the upslope it will continue to weld for the number of seconds the upslope is set for and then go out again. it doesn't seem to matter what I have the start / end amps set at. I have adjusted the points gap to .035 and done a brief visual inspection of the internals. it seems to consistently go out as soon as it would switch from start amps to the main setting and there is no indication of any amps at that point ( I can touch the tungsten to the workpiece with no arcing , sticking , sparks or otherwise. any ideas?

  2. Default

    hey there , quick update. the foot pedal doesn't seem to work either. it reads something like 31 amps when its all the way to the floor with the dial on the machine cranked.
    Last edited by turboreichel; 02-04-2014 at 07:36 PM.

  3. Default

    also noticing a hard time arc starting at times , it seems to act like a lift start at times , kind of intermittent though about half the time , but not back and forth . it either consistently does or consistently does not work ... like 30 good starts and then 30 bad starts , as stated in my last post the points gap has been adjusted to .035 . Cheers.

  4. #4


    Tell us where you are from, when you bought it etc. That'll get us more information to go on.

  5. Default

    Thanks for the reply , I am from Edson , Alberta Canada I bought this machine about a year ago. I have really enjoyed it so far and have been very pleased with the service everlast has provided so far. the machine works great and has been a lot of fun so far . Thanks for your time!

  6. #6


    With that said, I'd definitely pick up the phone and give Everlast Canada a call. Duncan over there is pretty good with help and support on these and can probably help you fix it over the phone much quicker than we can do a back and forth Q and A session here on the forum. YOur points can be dirty or need a different adjustment now the unit has burned in electronically. The slope and arc going out sounds as if a wire could have come loose. They pedal cog may have slipped as well. There are numerous possibilities, but a quick call over to Ontario will help clear up matters quicker than anything.

  7. Default

    okay , I sent an e-mail to tech support , the ontario office is already closed.

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