Hey Guys,
New board member, I've been welding since 2002. Really enjoy tig or making a nice looking weld with any style of welding. I became a welding instructor at a local college in the fall and really enjoy it. On and off through my career I've toyed with the idea of buying a tig machine. As with a lot of you I've been watching welding tips and tricks and that is where I found Everlast welders. So I'm very close to placing an order, I'm looking at the 250EX and a super cut 50 plasma. Any thoughts on either of them would be appreciated. Funny thing today I was looking at KIJIJI and found a Miller Maxstar 200DX for $450!!! It was gone in three hours, what a steal that would have been eh. Anyway I hope to be an Everlast owner soon and be a regular contributor to the forum.
Tig Kid