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Thread: PowerTig 250Ex weird issue.

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  1. Default PowerTig 250Ex weird issue.

    So I have a really weird issue that has been going on for quite a while. View the video below for best explanation. I can hear something that sounds shorting in the welder itself and the amps usually bounce around. It's actually sending power to the torch without any input from me. I always thought it was just the amps led display going crazy but it's actually bouncing around because that's what it's sending to the torch. A light tap to the side of the welder usually makes it go away for 5-10 mins but it always comes back. I've cycled all the switches and the machine itself but nothing makes a difference. This happens on AC and DC. Once you tap the welder everything is back to normal and works fine but this shouldn't be happening to begin with.

    Everlast 250EX
    Hobart 140 MIG

  2. #2


    It's going to be something simple. Call tech support in the morning (877 755 9353 .. 9-5 pst) and he will walk you through the diagnosis.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. #3


    Sounds as if the switch is stuck. unplug the pedal or the torch switch and see if it's still doing it. That's the HF you hear. I don't know of anything internally that would close that circuit, unless there is a wire that is touching.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Sounds as if the switch is stuck. unplug the pedal or the torch switch and see if it's still doing it. That's the HF you hear. I don't know of anything internally that would close that circuit, unless there is a wire that is touching.
    I'll try to without the pedal or torch trigger but you sure that's the HF? It's not a constant buzz like the HF it's a lot of inconsistent ticks.
    Everlast 250EX
    Hobart 140 MIG

  5. #5


    Either the HF or the Lift start cycling.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Is the gas solenoid on? That would be another indication that it thinks the switch is pressed. It didn't look like it in the video. If not then it will most likely be inside the welder and not the pedal. Just unplug and check is the easiest.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    Is the gas solenoid on? That would be another indication that it thinks the switch is pressed. It didn't look like it in the video. If not then it will most likely be inside the welder and not the pedal. Just unplug and check is the easiest.
    The gas solenoid? The thing that starts\stops the flow of argon when the pedal is pressed? Sometimes I can actually hear it kick and gas start to flow when this issue is happening. Not every time though I've only heard that happen a few times when this issue occures. I'm going to try it with out the pedal later and report back tonight.
    Everlast 250EX
    Hobart 140 MIG

  8. Default

    So it does in fact send power when the foot pedal and torch switch aren't plugged in. See the vid. Led bouncing around, shorting/ticking sound coming from the welder and a live torch with no input from me.

    Everlast 250EX
    Hobart 140 MIG

  9. #9


    You need to call ext 207. Still could be something simple, but you need to stop off there first>

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