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Thread: 250EX and 6010 rod

  1. Default 250EX and 6010 rod

    I am still contemplating buying a 250EX . My buis. is mobil and I do a fair amount of stick welding also. Does the EX run a 6010 ok? I am wondering if I should get a powerarc 200 and maybe go with the 200DX instead of the 250.
    Last edited by TheGary; 02-20-2014 at 04:09 PM.
    Miller 302 gas drive
    millermatic 200 mig
    miller spoolmatic 3 spool gun with 100ft ext.
    2014 Everlast PP60S plasma
    thermal arc 250 GTS inverter
    2016 Everlast 250EX
    miller tig cooler
    2015 Everlast MTS250S
    Miller 30A spool Gun
    Miller xtreme 12VS wire feeder
    Linde CM 85 shape cutter

  2. #2


    I have both a 250EX and a PA 200, I don't consider the 250 EX mobile with a tank and water cooler's in the shop on it's own cart...doing what it's intended for.. TIG...The 250EX will do fine stick...The PA 200 is another story,,,,it is a dedicated stick machine,,very mobile,,,can be carried in one hand,,,and the price is so good,,,I cannot understand why everyone doesn't have at least one in their shop or garage...I have welding extension cords that are heavier and harder to pack around than the PA 200..You cannot go wrong with a PA 200,,,,it has the price and the performance that cannot be beat...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. Default

    TheGary, I have a 2013 PowerPro 256S (with the knobs, which I prefer). It does 6010, 6011 DC, and 7018 with ease per my usage so far. At the recommended settings, it's not as smooth an arc as I get with my Miller Trailblazer 302, but there's not much difference if you up the amps a bit more than the usual. Jody Collier on Youtube "Welding Tips and Tricks" evaluated a similar unit and said it works fine with all these, but prefers slightly higher amps. These units have the "Dig" function also, but it seems not to have the range of the Dig function on the Trailblazer if you get into the over 5/32nd rods.

    It could come in handy to have an air cooled torch on the move, or to use a small gas cylinder. On the farm, I move mine around a lot and use a gas welding cart for one 300 cu ft gas argon cylinder and a the other half for rods, accessories, etc.., or two 300 cu ft cylinders - argon and mig mix.

    Everlast has a great 300 amp Power Stick unit also.

    It's very easy to disconnect the water cooler and switch to an air cooled torch, just two quick connect lines and the 220V plug-in for the cooler.
    Last edited by John71a; 02-20-2014 at 07:33 PM.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    I have both a 250EX and a PA 200, I don't consider the 250 EX mobile with a tank and water cooler's in the shop on it's own cart...doing what it's intended for.. TIG...The 250EX will do fine stick...The PA 200 is another story,,,,it is a dedicated stick machine,,very mobile,,,can be carried in one hand,,,and the price is so good,,,I cannot understand why everyone doesn't have at least one in their shop or garage...I have welding extension cords that are heavier and harder to pack around than the PA 200..You cannot go wrong with a PA 200,,,,it has the price and the performance that cannot be beat...
    Yes I realize what the 250EX is. I would not use the water-cooled torch or the cooler with it. I wanted it because it has a better duty cycle than the 200dx. I go into saw mills and plants that I can plug in and use their power fairly often so I only use my Trailblazer when there is no power around. I wold not need the powerarc 300. If I did need that many amps I would just use the trailblazer. I guess what I am anting to know is will the 250 EX run stick as good as the pa200. If not the I could get a 200DX and a pa200 for about what I would pay for the 250EX and I would not have to buy an air cooled torch for the EX. I guess the next question I should ask is am I going to be as happy with the 200DX when Im tig welding aluminum as I would be if I get the 250EX.
    Last edited by TheGary; 02-20-2014 at 11:20 PM.
    Miller 302 gas drive
    millermatic 200 mig
    miller spoolmatic 3 spool gun with 100ft ext.
    2014 Everlast PP60S plasma
    thermal arc 250 GTS inverter
    2016 Everlast 250EX
    miller tig cooler
    2015 Everlast MTS250S
    Miller 30A spool Gun
    Miller xtreme 12VS wire feeder
    Linde CM 85 shape cutter

  5. #5


    The PowerTIG 250EX and the PowerPro 256 are NOT 6010 rated...Any ability is perception, but not reality. They'll do it, if you like inconsistent arc or jacking the amperage up till the rod gets red hot.

  6. #6


    Yes the 250EX will run stick as good as the PA 200 if you use 6011 instead of 6010,,,,If you are doing a lot of Alum I would go for the 250EX,,,it has the power and the features,,,using an aircooled torch on such a machine is like driving a V8 with 4 plug wires off the engine...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  7. Default

    Thats what I wanted to know. The specs for the 200dx say it is not for 6010 but the 250ex did not say.
    Miller 302 gas drive
    millermatic 200 mig
    miller spoolmatic 3 spool gun with 100ft ext.
    2014 Everlast PP60S plasma
    thermal arc 250 GTS inverter
    2016 Everlast 250EX
    miller tig cooler
    2015 Everlast MTS250S
    Miller 30A spool Gun
    Miller xtreme 12VS wire feeder
    Linde CM 85 shape cutter

  8. Default

    Good to hear from the experts. Thinking back, most of what I used was 6011 and the 6010 runs were a bit ugly.

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