I bought an MTS250S from Amazon this week. I live in Florida Keys so Amazon Prime is my best friend. Received it on 2/19. Unboxed and hooked up stick. Set AF to 50 and current to 130. Welding 3/8" plate with 1/8" 7018. Upon striking stick on plate, welder would stop functioning and amber light comes on with 802 displaying in window. Only way to try again is to cycle power. I called Everlast and left message. A nice fellow named Ray I believe called me back and said no love, send it back and get replacement. Got replacement yesterday and did same procedure with same settings. Same problem. Could Amazon have bad batch? Sent tech@everlastwelders.com and email for advisement. Also front bezel cracked all over (see attached). UPS isn't always the most gentle with their packages. Any feedback appreciated. Need welder to perform as expected. This unit was $1500 on Amazon.