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Thread: Pedal Control 200DX

  1. Default Pedal Control 200DX

    I have a 200DX and I've been welding a fair amount of chrome moly tubing.

    The problem I'm having is in adjusting the pedal.

    The gain knob on the front of the pedal when turned up doesn't allow me to back off the amperage enough to allow my crater to cool and move without loosing the arc. If I turn it down so I can basically just keep a light pilot arc going to see and move then I don't have the amps I need to heat the base metal quickly.

    My gain knob usually is set at about 7 or almost all the way up, it is very touchy.

    I'm using 5/32 tungsten 2% lanthanated sharpened to a point, Argon gas.

    Right now I'm kind of band aiding the situation by running my post flow up a little and using that to keep my low amperage arc going.

    The machine is very stable except for the foot pedal do I have something setup wrong?

  2. #2


    Make sure you have it in 2T operation. Also, the larger control width of power that you give the pedal, the less resolution it has. The DX is a entry level machine and unfortunately there are some limitations of the way it is set up. If you want better control, I would suggest learning to use the pulse control with panel 4T control without the pedal...that does exactly what you are trying to do with your foot. It will reduce your frustration level greatly and improve your weld quality overall.

    It is possible that the control is slipped a cog or so on the pedal. You can talk to Mike and get some information on checking it out...possibly a screw loose that is allowing the cog to slip on the shaft and loose calibration.

  3. Default

    rotated cog back one tooth and that fixed it.

    arc stability is fantastic!

  4. #4


    I am not laughing at your problem...but rather glad you got things going again, like they should.

    Keep a watch on it. I have a unit now that needs a little "foot massage" I think. But it works fine on panel control, so I don't use the pedal anyway.

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