UPS delivered it yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to unbox it till today. It arrived in good shape, the shipping box was undamaged! It's lighter than I expected, but still seems solidly constructed, at least externally.
I'm a little disappointed, because it doesn't include a hose to run between the regulator and the rear of the welder. I specifically asked if this hose was included when I ordered the welder, and was told it would be. I know it's not a high pressure line, and that lots of hoses can be made to work. What's the general consensus on what type of line to use and where are most of you getting it?
I supposedly received the 'deluxe accessories kit' which for me basically boils down to a better foot pedal. But how can I tell if I got the correct foot pedal? No invoice or packing list was in the box, and the website pictures are no help (plus they say that the pictures are not representative). The pedal I have is completely flat on top, and smooth.
Can't comment on whether it works or not, since without a hose, I couldn't try it. But I don't have any doubts it will work fine.