With not knowing your knowledge base it is difficult to say. I will make an attempt to help. If you are doing things for a hobby for yourself I believe the 200dx would be plenty of machine for your stated purpose. The only question would be what kind of alum. welding you want to do. I say that because if you will be welding heavy ( thick ) alum. like 1/2in. or more pretty often then the 250ex might be a better choice. You can weld thicker alum. with the 200dx but you may need to preheat thicker pieces to 200 deg. This is not a big deal unless you nee to do it often. As far as steel or stainless the 200dx is plenty unless you plan on ship building or trying to tig weld 3/4 plate in a hurry. I would buy a separate machine for plasma and would stay away from the hobby models unless you are going to be a very occasional user of the equipment. If you are really into welding and will be doing some 6010 stick welding you will want one of the dedicated stick machines with the 6010 port. I do a lot of welding and I still think a 200dx would fit my needs fine but if you are one that wants to be ready for everything then get the 250ex or equivalent . The plasma will only work well if you prepare correctly. THe air must be dry and you must have the correct cfm and pressure or you will be disappointed . So invest in something to dry the air and a compressor that will supply the needed volume.
P.S. If you use any machine on 110volt it will be very limiting on what you can do and that will be true on the 200dx also. It capacity will be reduced on 110volt so if you want to use its true potential set up a 220 volt outlet for both the plasma and the 200dx. 11o volt use sounds handy and it is as long as you know what to expect.
Last edited by TheGary; 03-24-2014 at 03:32 AM.
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