I'm pretty much a novice welder, but I do have a couple MIG rigs already. I've got a Century which is good for about 2 inches of bead (in steel) before it destabilizes. I had to cut a hole in the case and add a huge push fan to get that much. I learned my lesson. Actually it did what I bought it for. Its great for welding handles on gates on 120V household or office power. LOL. I have since replaced it in the field with a little Lincoln flux core only rig. The Lincoln is much better
Later I acquired a Miller 212 with automatic select dual guns. I wanted it primarily for welding aluminum since I didn't have that ability before. I can weld aluminum with it, but its a constant struggle. Short quick welds in .125 to .190 are not to bad, but longer welds are a struggle for me. I have to plan the welds, then stitch and back fill. Its slow and tedious, but I can do it. I want to be able to clamp everything up and just go. (after cleanup of course) I have done some very very very fast welds with it as small as .043, but its way beyond the ability of the welder. I can make a bead about .250 inches long before it vaporizes the base metal. I don't need to weld .043. I was just playing, but I would like to be able to make long welds in sheet as thin as .063 with out having to stitch and fill back and forth every few inches.
I didn't even know about Everlast welders a few months ago, so I was looking at the Miller 350P and its just to far out of my price range. Its pretty sweet though. I had the chance to burn some bead a while back in a shop where I was helping out with something else. It was already all setup for the weld though. I basically just had to pull the trigger and the welder who let me play with it told me to speed up a little from the rate I started my pass.
Anyway, I am seriously considering an Everlast Pulse MIG unit. I would really love to see some welds and some weld videos of one doing aluminum. Preferably 5052 from .063 to .125. Also, the settings are a bit daunting. Is there a guideline somewhere for setting up one of these welders for different thicknesses and alloys?
I already have a spool gun on my Miller, and if the pulse mig works out I would probably just use the Miller for steel work from then on. Can I use my Miller spool gun on an Everlast Pulse MIG? How difficult would that be to do?
Well, now that I have exposed my ignorance. LOL. Anybody want to jump in?