So i got my new PM 256 working and i figured i would start practiceing welding aluminum. Had some scrap 1/4 and some scrap 3/8 maybe a little thinner. started on the 1/4 just laying rows of dimes with out rod, turning our really good got my timeing down, used the step and pause, pulsing with the macine and also with the foot pedal. I noticed if i let weld cool down super fast while on the 1/4 it would crack so the foot pedal was working the best with step and pause 2nd best. All is good till i start trying to add rod. The best way to describe what the rod was doing was think of sucking something out of like a plastic wraper. It seemed like the aluminum was melting out of its skin which then the skin would contaminate the weld. What am i doing wrong?
My rod is 4043 3/32. Could rod size be causeing this problem or maybe bad rod. Im not sure of what the scrap aluminum is could it be the wrong time of aluminum to be attemting to weld?
Thanks for the help in advance.