Hi, Can some one tell how to do a basic set up on my DX200.
I want to start out doing some .20 gauge sheet metal.
Need to know about where to dial things in to get started..
Thanks, Rob..
Hi, Can some one tell how to do a basic set up on my DX200.
I want to start out doing some .20 gauge sheet metal.
Need to know about where to dial things in to get started..
Thanks, Rob..
Hey, Rob-
You can find a TIG calculator here:
It will give you basic settings to get started. The dropdown for stainless steel also applies to steel.
A couple things: 20 gauge sheet is about 0.04", which is pretty thin... my apologies in advance because I don't know how experienced you are, but if you're just starting out you may find thicker practice material more forgiving until you get into the groove.
Also, some sheet metal is galvanized, and you should remove the galvanizing prior to welding. Burning through it creates toxic fumes. TIG is a very clean process (typically no sparks or smoke) but requires a lot of surface prep prior to welding.
Again, I don't mean to preach, just not sure how experienced you are- apologies for the lecture!
Dave O
Last edited by DaveO; 03-02-2014 at 04:25 PM.
Oxweld oxy acet gear
IMIG 200
PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!
I don't remember the exact patch panel material I welded into my project car last month (20 or 22ga, whatever scrap I had lying around), but I used the torch switch with amps set at 17-20. I started at 17 and it was slightly too cold, so I bumped it up a few amps and hit the sweet spot.
This was with a 3/32" tapered needle point on the tungsten, .035" mig wire, and no gap between the work pieces (this particular weld was a butt joint). My little PA 160STH has no pulse features either (for the record).
Judge your amps by how easy things tack up. You may have to go as high as mid 20's (or so) on amps since my numbers above might have been for 22ga, not 20. If you can, use copper backing to help keep the panel from warping.
New Everlast PowerTig 250EX that is begging for me to come up with a few welding projects so it can stretch it's legs. Did someone say aluminum???
Atlas 618 lathe
Milwaukee Porta Band with custom made stand
Dewalt 4-1/2" angle grinder
Dewalt 14" chop saw
Strong Hand Nomad portable table
Juki sewing machine I've had for years (yes I know sewing is for girls)