I'm working on constructing a foot pedal for my new 185. It has the new TIG/Stick switch, yellow caps on the two AC controls, HF/Scratch switch, etc...

When I bridge #6 and #7 pins, nothing changes on the panel display. I know that the panel amp control is overridden when #6 and #7 are bridged.

Essentially, I'm trying to dial in the positioning of the pot on my foot pedal, before I try to test it, so it gets good range without too much dead spot.

Do the #1 and #2 need to be contacting in order for me to see a change in panel display to show foot pedal amp output? It doesn't say anything in the Operator's Manual about panel display readout changing. It only mentions amp control override in several places.

I've seen people check amp output of the pedal in stick mode, to shut gas and HF off while it shows amp readout on the panel, on a 165 model. Should I be seeing this on a 185?