A few points; You don't want to use pure tungsten on an inverter. What size steel and tungsten are you using? What is your argon flow rate? Usually for foot pedal work you will set start amps, end amps, upslope and downslope all to minimum, otherwise the pedal will not respond in real time from those delays.
Here are some basic setting to weld a bead on plate for 1/8" steel:
3/32" tungsten ground to a point (2% Thoriated, Lanthinated, etc.)
Upslope, downslope, start amps, end amps all set to minimum.
Preflow .5 seconds, post flow 7 seconds, argon set to 14 cfh (7 lpm), #6 -#8 cup size with or without gas lens.
70 amps on the panel, use either torch switch or pedal, this should be enough to get a bead, but not too hot.
DCEN, HF start. Hold the tungsten about 3/32" away from the metal and hit the switch/pedal.
Give that a try.
Last edited by Rambozo; 03-23-2014 at 07:07 PM.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!