Let me preface this with I am not a welder, but my shopmate is. I do/can weld but it's not something I do every day.
I will copy and paste my email with Everlast Tech support, they don't seem to be answering my emails and it will just be easier:
"Hello Everlast Support!
I have a 200DX I bought brand new last year, it came with a DOA pedal. So you sent me a new one. That one was also DOA, so you sent me out yet another. This one worked and I used it a few times without issue but the last time I went to use it, it was dead yet again.
The other issue I am having is poor performance on AC. This has been something I myself have not been struggling with but my shopmate, who actually does all the welding has been trying to get a grasp on. I have a nice weldcraft torch and gas lense, different cups etc..
He welds aluminum all day long on a Miller Dynasty with a liquid cooled weldcraft torch.
We use the same supplies (IE tungsten, filler and gas) on both machines from the same supplier, as he gets discounts through his work.
Attached photo 1 on the flange shows some quick work done at his work. Nice clean welds with little contaminant and a nice clean looking weld. this was also done on used intercooler piping.
The everlast unit however seems to have issues, it will leave smut in the weld, leaving porosity or it will burn up the tungsten and make poor welds.
The attached photo's show some of the best welds we can get out of the everlast unit. it is brand new aluminum from the local metal supply store. The aluminum is cleaned with scotch brite and then methyl hydrate. The same method used at his work.
We have ran a few bottles of argon through it, at first we thought maybe we had contaminated gas, this does not seem to be the case.
I am not a pro welder but I have done some work on A/C and did find it much harder to make a nice looking weld on this unit, if not impossible than his work welder. We use the welder at work 80% of the time simply because we cannot get the same quality on AC which is not why I bought this welder. We have given it a chance to try and "figure it out" but we are finally throwing in the towel and looking for answers as to what is either wrong with our settings, or wrong with the unit itself.
Thanks for your time.
Joel Pineau"
This is the work Miller, same tungsten, gas and filler as used at home.
This is the Everlast at home
And again this isn't just one isolated issue, we have been struggling with this thing for a while.
Thanks for you help and pointers/assistance!