You win, I don't care you top me. You're smarter, have more experience and are more intelligent. Here is a short arc weld single pass on the outside of corner-to-corner .100" 5052 Notice the lack of penetration and porosity. I give up.
Lets go back to the beginning, which is the most important thing to me. In my entire welding career EVERY company that I've dealt with has been helpful to me in trying to tie together what ever combination of equipment. That does not seem to be the case here. Hey mark, the fact that you even answer with some great info is cool but to say that the 30A won't work because it 'is too big' is, come on, ridiculous. Just help me do what I want to do like Miller, Hobart, Airco, Lincoln and Printz have done for me in the past. Too much to ask? I realize 'I'm voiding the warranty', hell yes! You guys really want to sell welders? To what? saturday afternoon hobbyists and auto garage welders? All the BS about what I know or don't know, or the speculation about what I'm trying to do is a waste of time. There are circuits and things to be aware of to make this work. And bottom line, don't mean squat if you help me or not. I'll figure it out and if I blow her up in the process, so be it!