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Thread: powertig 250ex with water cooler problem

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  1. Default powertig 250ex with water cooler problem

    I have recently purchased the powertig and water cooler combo unit and the receptacle on the back of the machine does not fit the plug that came with the water cooler. Is there an adapter I was supposed to get that didnt come with the machine? I want to the local hardware store and cant find one. How do I fix this?

  2. #2


    You will need to call customer support on this one.

    They would know if there is an adapter. Also, the plug on the back of the 250EX, the male end can be picked up at most computer stores. I will see if I can get the name of the connector from

    Looks like an AT Shrouded male AC plug.

    Give sales a call first.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. #3


    Is your cooler pump unit 220 or 110 volt .Also the plug on the back is the older computer monitor plug style you can get a cord from a computor place and wack the female end off and install a standard 3 prong plug on the cord , Also you can wire the plug to turn on the cooler when welder is turn on since the factory set up on welder is hot with switch off or on position on welder

  4. #4

    Default Cooler power plug

    Same issue on newly arrived cooler and 250ex. I sent Mark a picture of plug sent and receptacle on 250. Waiting for response.

  5. #5


    I did notice on 250 plug on welder dose not have the ground lug grounded in welder to case . just the both 110 volt tabs are connected should have the ground lug grounded . also why not have the plug were it turns off when welder switch is turned off instead ove live all the time . I rewired mind so when swich is off or on it turn cooler off and on .

  6. #6


    I see on there site the cooler from everlast is 220 Its a really nice cooling unit . alot of other cooler on the market can be 220 or 110 so make sure what the voltage is before connecting to welder ,

  7. #7

    Default cooler plug

    Did some net searching. Looks like the needed plug is a standard computer plug IEC-320. And, the welder (250ex) has the receptacle labeled as 220v. The cooler documentation says it is wired for 220v. The IEC-320 is rated at 110v and 220v, just lower amperage at 220v but more than enough for the cooler.

  8. #8


    We have recently changed to this 3 prong computer cord style. SOME water cooler units may not match. This is an issue for sales. They will need to know if you get one that doesn't match so one can be drop shipped to you. Best thing to do is email a picture of the plug on your unit and the plug (or lack thereof) on the welder side by side, so they can determine which is best to send you.

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