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Thread: 200dx loosing arc during weld on ac

  1. Default 200dx loosing arc during weld on ac

    Just got my 200dx and I started running beads . after about 10 min I would loose arc during weld. I would back off pedal. And nothing. Then it would run a few beads fine. First 45 min of use it happened about 4 times. I have read about people have ing to adjust. There points because of high frequency issue but can u loose an arc after weld bead has started?? Or do I have somting else going on ?? Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    Just got my 200dx and I started running beads . after about 10 min I would loose arc during weld. I would back off pedal. And nothing. Then it would run a few beads fine. First 45 min of use it happened about 4 times. I have read about people have ing to adjust. There points because of high frequency issue but can u loose an arc after weld bead has started?? Or do I have somting else going on ?? Thanks for your help
    Is the duty cycle light coming on? Maybe you are exceeding the duty cycle of the machine. What kind of welding are you doing at how many amps?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    Is the duty cycle light coming on? Maybe you are exceeding the duty cycle of the machine. What kind of welding are you doing at how many amps?
    Rambozo no lights on and I never went over 140 amp and most of the time was between 90 and 120. Just a side note the digital amp display would drop down to 35 when welding. It would only go up to 120 or what ever I had it set at after I stopped the weld. This may be normal for the machine, I'm not sure.

  4. #4


    It's normal for the unit to change the reading on the unit to read actual amp output. If it is showing only 35 with the pedal opened up, then there's an issue with the pedal likely.

  5. Default

    This is supposed to be the updated pedal? I thought at times it took along time to puddle. I plan to run a lot more beads today. I want to make sure its not me. But I'm sure its not. I'm not a pro by any means but I did have a miller syncrowave , I just wanted an inverter because 90% of what I do is aluminum. Mark are the updated pedals still having problems? Thanks, I've had a lot of bumps in the road with my order until now but fit and finish is good. And when I get these bugs worked out I think I will be pleased.

  6. #6


    Well, IF you have the new style, they still they are not perfect. The potentiometers can give issues from time to time though issues are a lot lower. We have the SSC pedal...which is still as good as you can get anywhere. Some people tend to over sell the new's an improvement but not where the SSC is. It's much better, but not up to speed with the welder and its quality.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Well, IF you have the new style, they still they are not perfect. The potentiometers can give issues from time to time though issues are a lot lower. We have the SSC pedal...which is still as good as you can get anywhere. Some people tend to over sell the new's an improvement but not where the SSC is. It's much better, but not up to speed with the welder and its quality.
    I guess I'm not following u , do mean this SSC pedal is a different pedal than the "upgraded" pedal that I got . if so do u sell the SSC and how much?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    I guess I'm not following u , do mean this SSC pedal is a different pedal than the "upgraded" pedal that I got . if so do u sell the SSC and how much?
    Absolutely. It isn't the SSC unless you paid abou 159.00 for it plus 15.00 shipping extra. There's still a big difference and you can't mistake the two. The SSC has a sanded top surface. It is wider and flatter than the current pedal.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Absolutely. It isn't the SSC unless you paid abou 159.00 for it plus 15.00 shipping extra. There's still a big difference and you can't mistake the two. The SSC has a sanded top surface. It is wider and flatter than the current pedal.
    Well I spent some time running more beads and it is still loooosing arc intermittently . so I guess my question remains is it the pedal and how to be sure?

  10. #10


    We've got several threads on checking the foot pedal. We also have a pinout posted on a sticky. Do you have a needle type volt/ohm meter or a digital one? (Needle type preferred). You can check the sweep of the pedal and make sure it is going from 0-47k and 47k-0 smoothly between pins 3 and 4 and 4 and 5.

  11. #11
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    Well I spent some time running more beads and it is still loooosing arc intermittently . so I guess my question remains is it the pedal and how to be sure?
    One easy way is to switch to the torch switch and run some beads. If all is good, it is most likely a bad pot in the pedal. Does this happen with the pedal always in the same place in it's travel?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    One eproblem is to switch to the torch switch and run some beads. If all is good, it is most likely a bad pot in the pedal. Does this happen with the pedal always in the same place in it's travel?
    I just ordered the SSC pedal I hope this will fix the problem. Oleg gave me a good deal . I will be sure to post results. I wanted to order a ck torch, left a message with mark a week ago because alex didn't have many details on them but haven't heard back yet. So far support has been good thanks Everlast.

  13. Default

    So I went out again today and ran some more beads, this time with the torch switch. I am still Loosing my arc ( very sparatic ) tends to happen more after I use for a little bit . it would happen when I tried to start the puudle, and the arc would just go out. With the switch still engaged I could scratch start but sometimes it would go back out a couple seconds later. After that it would run a few beeds with no trouble. Good ground ,clean metal, good arc length. All other functions seem to work fine and make adjustments. This gets me back to my original post "could this be a high frequency problem". When this is not happening it works great. Never exceeded 140 amps no lights on

  14. #14


    No it's not a HF problem. HF has nothing to do with AC welding in an inverter other than starting the arc.

  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    No it's not a HF problem. HF has nothing to do with AC welding in an inverter other than starting the arc.
    Mark thanks for your time. If its not a high frequency problem I'm OK with that, but I tried it with the foot pedal and torch switch and it still happens. I used it for an hour or so every day. I will admit I don't know how the electronics work inside the welder so what could it be? I definitely have a problem just need to know where to go from here? If I can get this fixed life will be good, thanks again

  16. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    Mark thanks for your time. If its not a high frequency problem I'm OK with that, but I tried it with the foot pedal and torch switch and it still happens. I used it for an hour or so every day. I will admit I don't know how the electronics work inside the welder so what could it be? I definitely have a problem just need to know where to go from here? If I can get this fixed life will be good, thanks again
    mark where did you go???

  17. #17
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    mark where did you go???
    Your best bet might be to call Ray in the repair dept., to see if there are any other field checks you can make or if the machine needs to be sent in for repair. Sometimes it's nothing more than a connector that came loose in transit.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    Just got my 200dx and I started running beads . after about 10 min I would loose arc during weld. I would back off pedal. And nothing. Then it would run a few beads fine. First 45 min of use it happened about 4 times. I have read about people have ing to adjust. There points because of high frequency issue but can u loose an arc after weld bead has started?? Or do I have somting else going on ?? Thanks for your help

    I thought the same thing with my 250EX but it was a circuit board problem. It would weld OK and then it would start to weaken as the arc would sputter and if I went past a certain point with the pedal, it would almost come to a stop.

    I ended up getting a 1450 error code and so I had to send it in still under warranty. (Thank goodness for the 5 year warranty!) It was an amperage problem and so I still do not have it back after almost 5 weeks. I know they are going through a moving situation with Everlast's tech station so I cut them some slack with the fix.

    I do miss my 250EX tig welder though. When it was working, it was a joy to use. I can't wait to get it back.
    Powertig 250EX
    Powerplasma 50
    Hobart Handler 210 with spoolgun
    Cobra 2000 / Henrob O/A torch
    Drill press / metal brake / 36 ton air hydraulic press
    Franzinated modified Craftsman 33 compressor
    Lots of other metal working tools

  19. Default

    QUOTE=Steve;53573]I thought the same thing with my 250EX but it was a circuit board problem. It would weld OK and then it would start to weaken as the arc would sputter and if I went past a certain point with the pedal, it would almost come to a stop.

    I ended up getting a 1450 error code and so I had to send it in still under warranty. (Thank goodness for the 5 year warranty!) It was an amperage problem and so I still do not have it back after almost 5 weeks. I know they are going through a moving situation with Everlast's tech station so I cut them some slack with the fix.

    I do miss my 250EX tig welder though. When it was working, it was a joy to use. I can't wait to get it back.[/QUOTE]
    Just an update, worked with ray at tech support and made all suggested changes and still had arc problem only on ac. Long story Short everlast sent me out a new machine same day ray and myself could not come up with a solution. I upgraded the machine to a 250 ex . alex made no hesitation in helping me and ray communicated with me very well., what else could you ask for! The 250 ex showed up today and I went out and did some testing, about a half hour. So far no arc problem. I get my SSC pedal tommarow and plan to do a lot more testing on sat. I will be sure to post results. So far so good.
    Just a note I work in the auto repair industry and have for 17 years. I understand there are problems with parts, machines, shipping, and things out of our control. But I how a company handles it, what counts. So far alex, Oleg, and ray have been great. And if I have a problem again that why I have a warranty. " all machines are built by humans" thanks again.

  20. #20
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    May 2012


    Thanks for the update. That kind of service means a lot.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

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