About two and a half years ago I bought an Everlast Powertig 250 EX. I've used the heck out of it and it made me tons of cash. I really love my 250.

About two months ago it started having erratic arc starts. It was having a hard time getting an arc going with a very weak start. I called tech support and they had me try a few things but it did not help. It finally gave up the ghost and stopped working all together. I got the dreaded 1450 error code.
One of the really nice things about Everlast is the 5 year warranty. I contacted tech support and they said to send it in. Shipping is not covered so it is a bit expensive but with all the money this machine made for me, I cannot complain.

I sent the machine out about a month ago and they did get a chance to look at it.

I called them today to see when my machine will be ready. The techs told me that it was an amperage control problem. I was told that Everlast has moved their tech repair and that things are a bit behind. So if you have a machine that needs repair, expect at least a 6 week wait for the near future.

Again, I cannot complain as the 250EX has been one hell of a machine for me. If I had to do it over, I'd buy one again. Plus I have heard some stories of other major companies having waits for repairs of several months.

I do a lot of aluminum welding and so just in case, I've invested in a spool gun for my mig welder. Plus I've been using my Cobra DHC2000 gas torch for welding steel. Good to have back ups just in case.

The tech support is great from Everlast. Thanks guys.