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Thread: Teflon liner for 250p on aluminum? ii

  1. Default Teflon liner for 250p on aluminum? ii

    I been looking at getting a 250p, I have a miller 252 now and it is a great machine but it does not have a pulse function. ( I plan to do mainly aluminum). I was wondering if any one has used the regular mig gun with the Teflon liners that Everlast sells , although I don't see them listed on the new web site. Are there feeding problems? I know there is a spool gun available but like others I agree there bulky and limit your access. A push pull gun would be great but that doest look like there will be an option for that any time soon. Also if have any inpun on the machine for aluminum in general? Thanks for your time.

  2. #2


    Our Austrailian division frequently sells them this way with good success. The liners are available through either Trafimet or Binzel. And I think they can be bought through river weld as well. I am not sure what our stock on u groove roller is, but we can get them, and some people use the standard ones. 5356 is the best for feeding though because it is harder wire, and feeds better. You can't put much of a bend in it, and you can only use the short 9 or 10 ft gun, but as I said, it is being done. I'd probably recommend using a larger welder with the four roll feed for best results....Keep in mind, just because it isn't done here, much, doesn't mean that somewhere in the world it isn't an accepted practice....Some countries use 6013 to run open root on that would get you laughs here, but it is true.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Mark, you got my off guard when you said using 6013 to run open root on pipe.
    I machine 6013-T6 aluminum pipe to 6013 aluminum plate and weld it with 5356 rod I did not think of 6013 steel when Jeffcw30 was asking about aluminum welding.
    Everlast PowerTig 325EXT (Canada)
    Everlast Power I Mig 250 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerPlasma 80S (Canada)
    Everlast PowerCool W300 (Canada)
    Everlast PowerMTS 250S Fitted with a 30A Spoolgun(Canada)
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless(Canada)
    Millermatic 252 plus 30A Spoolgun(Canada)

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jeffcw30 View Post
    A push pull gun would be great but that doest look like there will be an option for that any time soon. Also if have any inpun on the machine for aluminum in general? Thanks for your time.
    You could hook up a Miller XR feeder and gun to this unit but Everlast isn't going to give you any help in doing it.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Yofish View Post
    You could hook up a Miller XR feeder and gun to this unit but Everlast isn't going to give you any help in doing it.
    I assume were talking push pull , and if that's the case that's frustrating because I had a Python push pull 20 ft i sold because when I called in they absolutely said it would not work and they had no plans for a push pull gun in the works for there machine. Really to my knowledge the majority of pulse mig welding is used for aluminum not steal. So to have this feature and not a push pull gun is counter productive since most guys who would use this feature would prefer a push pull gun. But all things in time. I'm interested in getting feed back on how the pulse feature works on this machine for aluminum. Thanks again

  6. Default

    Jeff, I'm not familiar with the Lincoln system and it may have had some issues that would be challenging to mate to an Everlast but the fact is they just don't care to help you do anything that is out of spec. If you have enough time and energy I would dare say ANY feeder could be mated to ANY CV power source. The Miller XR (extended reach) system is push-pull. I already have designs on using an Everlast with my XR. The XR feeder runs on 120VAC and can be plugged into the wall, it supplies the controls for run-in, wire speed, etc. and a valve at the gun controls gas flow. All one needs to do is make an adaptation to turn the weld circuit on and off. Pretty simple, really.

  7. #7


    Push pull guns have to be set up with a low torque drive motor, and are usually digitally controlled. We've talked with cobra about this...and discussed it at length. It's not something we are saying just to discourage it. These are not low torque which are designed to stall or slow if they get ahead of the Pull motor. A push pull gun even for china, costs us MORE than what we retail the basic machine for...most of our customers do not want to spend that kind of money, and the market is not there to support that yet. Pulse MIG welding, particularly single pulse is designed for Steel, stainless and aluminum...not just aluminum and it is used frequently for items like chrome moly. It can be used for open root and because it runs cooler than spray is used for rapid deposit overhead and out of position. True axial spray cannot be run on much of anything but the flat position. But at the same time, a pulse on pulse (double pulse) is more geared toward aluminum, than single pulse.
    Last edited by performance; 04-20-2014 at 08:11 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Kempy View Post
    Mark, you got my off guard when you said using 6013 to run open root on pipe.
    I machine 6013-T6 aluminum pipe to 6013 aluminum plate and weld it with 5356 rod I did not think of 6013 steel when Jeffcw30 was asking about aluminum welding.
    Just using it as an analogy.

  9. Default

    Just to clarify, I'm talking about mating a FEEDER/GUN to a power source, not just a motorized gun to a power source that happens to be a feeder too.

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