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Thread: New CT-520D

  1. Default New CT-520D

    Just got my new unit a few weeks back and wanted to post an initial review. So far everything has worked very well. I am a relatively new user, having relied upon upon my MIG up until this point. The plasma TIG combo unit gives me some cool new abilities. Anyone who's never used a Plasma cutter before, you're missing out! Also, the adjustable TIG foot pedal works really well.

    My unit came with just about everything you need, but there are a couple things you'll have to get at a local welding store before you can get started. I'll post a list here of all the extra stuff you might need, in case you're not already familiar with the process:

    -Plug for power supply. Depends on if you want 110 or 220. I went with 220 and got the plug and some 10ga. extension from HomeDepot.
    -Large air compressor for the plasma cutter. I have a 26 gal and it works fine.
    -Gas cylinder filled with argon.
    -Argon regulator (if you didn't get one included from Everlast)
    -Tubing to connect the argon regulator to the back of the welder.
    -A couple quick disconnect air line couplers to facilitate switching from compressed air to argon.
    -Tungsten electrodes for the TIG torch.
    -Filler rod for TIG welding (can use coat hangers if you're on a budget).

    If I forgot anything, someone please chime in.

    And last but not least, thanks to the Everlast crew for helping me to get my unit up and running. I'm impressed with the level of customer support and will not hesitate to buy from them again.


  2. Default Re: New CT-520D

    Just a 4 month update to this post. Have been more than impressed with both the product and service. Alex @ everlast is very accessible and helped me with getting more consumables. With a Miller/Lincoln, I can't imagine what more you get for the gigantic price difference... this unit works fantastic.

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