I've been mainly stick welding with the machine (which I found good, except when it comes to 5p) and I need to brush up on my tig. Problem is every time I push down on the pedal or hold down on the torch the machine automatically starts to rev and stay down to 20 amps. I contacted technical support and they said it may be a gas issue. I got my argon switched out, made sure there aren't any leaks, and checked the gasflow of the torch. using 3/32" and the 4 cup that came along with the machine. Any time I start an arc whether its HF or lift my tungsten gets eaten up. I tried welding some filler metal and it doesn't melt, just eats the tungsten. Gas is at 25 SCFH, Downslope is off, DC, have the pre-flow ~.5, read the manual to have a steady amp pulse (low), etc.
Is there something wrong with my machine? or am I just not doing it correctly?