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Thread: powerpro 256 pedal problem ?

  1. Default powerpro 256 pedal problem ?

    Im having a problem of not having any amperage control using the foot pedal on tig. Its either idle or straight to the set amps when you move the pedal the slightest amount. Ac or dc, it dont matter. The pedal an ssc control with the 50k pot. Machine is set to 2t, start/end apms at minimum, up/down slope at minimum aswell. Whats sucks is i sent the machine in for warranty where they had it for 4 months and its still not fixed. Theyre claiming its a pedal but the pedal ohms out at pin 3-4 is .9-48.1k and pin 4-5 is 48.1-.9 ohms. So its well within the +/-10% they say is acceptable. Any suggestions on what to do. Any help is appreciated

  2. #2


    Yeah, it's probably not the pedal. But you can never be sure. Contact ext 201 in the morning and explain the issue, that unit does what it did before...

  3. Default

    Make absolutely sure the pedals connector, on the machine, is tight. Maybe "spread" the pins a tiny bit to know they're making good contact...

    I chased weird pedal problems on my PP256 and 1/2 the time (because I was removing it so often) it turned-out to be the fact I wasn't tightening the ring on the plug each time

  4. Default

    Found the problem with the help of Ray. The short circuit of pin 6-7 telling the machine it has a pedal plugged in had a broken solder joint on a brand new pedal. Now it works like I want it which is a relief. Now to put it through some paces lol. Thanks for the help. Mike

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Yeah, it's probably not the pedal. But you can never be sure. Contact ext 201 in the morning and explain the issue, that unit does what it did before...
    I think this is Mike and its was bad connecter on SSC pedal
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