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Thread: Rock Dawg Rock Crawler

  1. #1

    Default Rock Dawg Rock Crawler

    Spent some time in Arizona this winter with a good friend from Nebraska, He Stays all winter and goes all over the southwest rock crawling. This waterfall at the end of a canyon had never been climbed and we verified that as there was a tree in the middle of the top and lots of cactus after he went up it. I tried with a friend in another machine but we kept trying to tip over backwards as the front tires could not break over the top

    A couple of pics of him going up and over. We climbed up that face and believe me it was steep.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rock Dawg 1.jpg 
Views:	658 
Size:	128.7 KB 
ID:	12129Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rock Dawg 2.jpg 
Views:	670 
Size:	140.9 KB 
ID:	12130
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Crazy looking stuff, there. Looks like quite the rock ride.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #3


    Pretty neat Rock Crawler, It has 1.7L VW Diesel hooked up to a 700R4 GM trans and a Rockwell transfer case, A couple of the neat things he does is the wheelbase and the shocks on the corners. The wheelbase will extend 30" on the fly, just by pulling the hydraulic lever. Also the shocks on all for corners are mounted to a hydraulic loaded bracket so you can apply pressure to each corner independently to get that traction you need and the shock will still function. He used to build a new machine each year but this one is going to go another year as 2 weeks ago when i was out in Western Nebraska he was working on it again. The wheelbase will now extend36" on the fly.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

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