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Thread: I received wrong parts

  1. Default I received wrong parts

    I've discovered that I got the wrong ceramic cups when I purchased my Power ultra 205. I ordered 2 boxes of 10 extras. I just used up the ones that were included with the machine and went to get these out of the box and discovered they are different.

    The one on the left with the groove is the style I need.

  2. #2


    If you haven't already, call sales and have them straighten it out. This is a matter for them. I think it was for either a version of the supercut torches, which are very similar, but having no pilot arc, a stand off can interfere with the performance or possibly it was shipped to us wrong.

    Have you tried to see if they will screw on at all? It would be helpful to know.

  3. Default

    The ceramic Cups will work on both the HF Torch and the Pilot Torch but as mentioned you can not place the wire guide on the non grooved cups

    905 637 1637

  4. Default

    I will attempt to call sales tomorrow. The cups I received will not thread on the torch. They seem to have slightly smaller thread size.

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