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Thread: My new MTS 200 is great, BUT issue mig welding...

  1. Default My new MTS 200 is great, BUT issue mig welding...

    hi all,

    First post here, but read a lot on here before I bought my new green machine

    I have no issues at all TIG welding, but I would like some feedback on my MIG welding issue as I think my machine is not running like it should.

    Here it is...
    At anything above 20 volts, I get almost 10-20 maybe 30 seconds max weld time than it overheats and goes into a lockdown, yellow light comes on and a "802" is displayed on the left readout, and gas solenoid stays open....I have left the machine in that state for over 30 minutes, it never resets and I have to turn off and back on to reset it.

    The label says at 20.5 volts its a 100% duty...even at that setting and even a little lower, I get only 10 minutes welding and bam...light comes on...its in a A/C shop...not outside in the sun....all the fans are running...air feels cool as it can. Even at like 20 volts, I can never stay welding even with a start 2 minutes of weld, stop turn part, and restart...I bet I cant stay welding 15 minutes....

    Any help is appreciated, but if this is not right I want to get a replacement...


  2. Default

    No one has any feedback on this issue?? I am starting to think Everlast really means "doesn't last too long" and no support here....
    Am I expecting to much as far as duty cycle? Is it overstated or is it a REAL issue in my box??

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Red Rider View Post
    No one has any feedback on this issue?? I am starting to think Everlast really means "doesn't last too long" and no support here....
    Am I expecting to much as far as duty cycle? Is it overstated or is it a REAL issue in my box??
    Did you call tech support at 877 755 9353 ext. 207 ?
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  4. #4


    Yes, you need to call in to tech support. That's the primary contact number to resolve any issues. There are a lot of posts here, so I and Mike may not see everyone that gets posted, or we may get busy replying to others, and it gets slipped through the crack. It has nothing to do with tech support and our concern for the customer's issue. I didn't see this one, period.

    100% duty cycle does not mean 100% of infinity. It means it is 100% of a ten minute period of time. It does not mean it will go 11 minutes continuous. The math does not add up. 100% of 10 minutes does not mean it is 100% of 11, or 100% of 30 minutes. After 10 minutes of use, a couple of minutes at least of rest is needed. On/off cycling like "bumping" or tacking can generate more heat from large current inrushes too, so that can affect it too. I am not there to observe, so I am throwing out different scenarios I have come across and helped resolve in the past.
    You failed to say what wire size you are using and what gas mix. Also when did you purchase it? The unit should be recycled to reset it once an error code is generated after 10+ minutes has elapsed. Duty cycle of 35% at max output means it can/should only weld a maximum of 3.5 minutes out of 10 minutes, with the remainder of the 10 minutes at rest. It can get hard to figure, and I know from talking with many customers and having them put a timer on during the actual weld, their sense of time length is seriously altered while welding. I'm not saying yours is absolutely, but it definitely can get altered easily.

    But you should call into tech support first as part of the routine to establish any warranty issues.

  5. #5


    An additional thought. The use of over 20 volts would be rare for a 200 amp machine. I've welded with .045 at 19-21V for multipass welds on 3/8" and passed destructive bend tests without a single pinhole. Running higher volts would typically use .045 wire, which can actually over amp the machine in some respects because of the larger wire diameter's current carrying capability. I am wondering what settings you are using with what wire? That would help determine a few things as well as your arc force/inductance settings as that does play with duty cycle to a small extent.

    But duty cycle isn't only figured off voltage, it's figured off amperage too. Wire speed/Amps figures into duty cycle and the combination of what the two do together.

    Our duty cycles are typically generous as to having a little more than we show, but definitely not slack.

  6. #6


    Wow, I missed it to. But yes, you can always pick up a phone and call the office and get tech support. Probably a heavy posting day. It was a Monday.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  7. Default

    ok...thanks for the is more info...

    .035 wire, with 25/75 mix...
    I understand originally I had the machine turned up a little more than normal as it was brand new and I wanted to see what it could do...but the REAL issue is after a overheat the machine in MIG mode never ever resets and gas solenoid is open the whole time!! That does not sound like it is working correctly?! I had not called in yet, because I am just about 2 weeks after 30 days of ownership and want to make sure its me or the machine at fault....If I get an overheat, I will turn the gas off at the bottle and wait till it resets... I will then give you all the results!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Red Rider View Post
    ok...thanks for the is more info...

    .035 wire, with 25/75 mix...
    I understand originally I had the machine turned up a little more than normal as it was brand new and I wanted to see what it could do...but the REAL issue is after a overheat the machine in MIG mode never ever resets and gas solenoid is open the whole time!! That does not sound like it is working correctly?! I had not called in yet, because I am just about 2 weeks after 30 days of ownership and want to make sure its me or the machine at fault....If I get an overheat, I will turn the gas off at the bottle and wait till it resets... I will then give you all the results!
    It won't reset unless you cycle the switch. It is tied into the gas valve circuit..I admit that is a quirk of those units on the gas valve but not a defect.

  9. #9


    Doing some research here too. Keep in mind, that this wasn't an overheat (unless I am forgetting something about the codes). It was an overcurrent. You should NEVER intentionally overheat your unit. If you are overheating your unit, you need a larger unit. It will catch up to you eventually with a failure at some point due to repeated or intentional overheating. The newer 200 units are equipped with a .023 and .030 drive roll. The factory may have turned down the overcurrent threshold for the smaller wire expectation. The larger wire diameter increases the amp draw and output at the same given wire speed of a smaller wire.

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