From what I can see it looks like you did not clean the surface of the aluminum before you welded it. I think that is why you have so much black around the welds. I would clean the area with a stainless wire brush that you use only for cleaning alum. Then you can also use a chemical cleaner on it after word. There are several on the market. Or you can mechanically clean the area with a sanding disc to take the oxidized surface off the metal. That should help a lot. I can not help you with the machine settings because I do not have an ac inverter welder. On a side note , I would try to use 5356 wire as much as possible because it has considerably more strength than 4043. But is harder to mast a good weld but it is worth the effort. Not to say that 4043 is bad , it flows better but does not have as much strength.
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