In the future, when you get the machine all dialed in for a task you do frequently, you might want to make a habit of saving those settings to one of the memory slots.
That is one of the main advantages to the digital machines. Of course with the analog machines, you can always just snap a single photo of all the knob settings, where on the digitals, you would have to step through and write them down or record them. You are a little unclear in the wording of your settings, and are missing some. Is the frequency, the AC frequency or the pulse frequency? I suspect the later. That material is thick enough that you can probably shut off the pulser, at least to begin with. That will give you less to adjust and make it much easier to see the effects of your adjustments. Are you using the pedal or torch switch?
The manual should tell you which settings are for TIG and which for stick, but here are the basics for TIG:
Start amps, End amps, Upslope, Downslope, Preflow, Postflow, AC frequency, AC balance, 2T/4T, Pedal/Torch, Argon cfh, with pulse add these, Pulse amps, Background amps, Pulse frequency, Pulse on time (duty cycle). Some of these might be named a little different depending on the machine.
Last edited by Rambozo; 08-03-2014 at 08:52 PM.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!