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Thread: "Older" PP256 Dissatisfied, Disappointed

  1. Default "Older" PP256 Dissatisfied, Disappointed

    Purchase my PP256 in 2010 and have been "challenged" with it since day one. My original reason for purchasing this machine was to have the ability to plasma cut parts for snow plow frames, and to repair and refurbish buckets on my small loaders. When I learned of the Everlast Multi Process machine through Welding Tips and Tricks, I thought it would be the answer to the antique tombstone stick machine, and graymarket mig welder that I had been struggling along with. The TIG feature was just an added bonus. Let me tell ya.....My first impressions with the inverter itself were good. A little overwhelming with as many settings and controls for all of the features, but I figured, I'll learn. My first impressions of the accessory items included were dismal and disappointing. Very typical of the cheaply made, poorly assembled imported crap that you commonly got from overseas tool distributors back in the 80's. Assembled the equipment with the painfully translated and difficult to follow instructions that were included, but my perservearance paid off and I was successful in my efforts. The plasma cutting functions were impressive for a very short while, as was the TIG functions. The stick welder performed like a champ, and I was thrilled at the prospects of having these welding/cutting functions available in my very own shop. Not to mention the unlimited possibilities that lay ahead as my skills and abilities improved. Sadly, that didnt last very long as the only portion of this machine that remains useable is the stick welder. It seems as though plasma cutting and tig welding was just a tease. In order to do anything else with this equipment it has required constant troubleshooting, endless freakin' around with those ridiculous contact points, hours of time in forums and chat rooms looking for solutions, replacing torch heads so I could buy consumables from a local distributor, and then still getting the same dismal friggin' results. I didn't buy this to have to "tinker" with it every time I needed to use it. I bought this equipment to solve a problem, but it's turned out to be nothing but a whole other problem in and of itself. I would like to know what the policy/procedure is to have this shipped to somebody that will fix this. Preferably here on the East coast. Damn thing is heavy, and shipping costs are nuts.
    Last edited by Effinay; 08-07-2014 at 12:47 AM. Reason: correction of content

  2. #2


    I don't know what to say exactly. This is the first time I am hearing of your all the time that I recall, and with only 9 posts, you haven't spent much time here where it counts. We've always told customers NOT to buy the unit just for a plasma cutter, and NOT to use it for production welding or cutting. It's designed for portable repair, and light fabrication. (fabrication as in one-off prototyping or small project)

    These units are greatly changed from 5 years ago. Torches, and everything have changed. I am not sure though what you were needing. The TIG torches supplied back then, could EASILY be changed to any weldcraft, CK or other product. We supplied/supply starter accessories as a courtesy to our customers fully expecting them to upgrade in the future, with available options, just like you would with any other company. We've offered several plasma torches that could be used with the unit you have, including a trafimet A81, all as a replacement which is a much nicer torch. And now offer improved versions of your torch. 2009, was the first year we offered the PowerMaster/Pro units. Obviously you've never downloaded a manual for that unit from our website which goes into detail, that is not translated. We've had those up since 2009 too. As far as the stock plasma torch goes as well, most people liked the orginal torches as cutting capacity was great and consumables were cheap and readily available from us and from the internet. I don't know exactly when you bought the unit, so it may still be in warranty if you have your original receipt. If it is, we'll be glad to warranty the unit. You just need to call tech support and get an rma number and arrange to ship it. The rest is up to us. If it is out of warranty, let me know, and I'll see how we can best help you.

    What torch head did you replace it with? This might have caused additional problems with your unit as there are some things that need to be compatible to work right. After 5 years, you'd expect someone to get it resolved, and not suddenly post when the warranty is about to run out about how "dissatisfied" they have been. I am not harping on things here, but really confused by the post without you having ever pursued this further with us a long time ago.

  3. #3


    True, 9 post after all this time and years later now unhappy? We now drop ship CK if you want a really nice torch and hose for it.

    To back Mark as well, I personally have a A81 used once and hanging from my cart with the Power Plasma 80 on it. I prefer the OLD P80 torch since the consumables are a LOT less, and they cut about the same for me. So I still use a 6-7 year old torch over the nicer A81 myself. Plus I hate the safety on the A81. But that is just me. And my favorite (but to small of the 80 amp cutter) was the P60, which you have.

    Contact Oleg and he can work you a deal on a CK or Trafimet I'm sure. Which every torch you're not happy with.

    Also, a multi-process unit will require changing torches to change processes. The manuals are online and we always tell people read the manual before purchase. In the years I ran tech support, once the points were set "if they were off", they never required adjusting again. I would contact tech support, I would have in 2010... That is not normal.

    Our number is in Mark's and my signature, pick tech support from the menu.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. #4


    I had to adjust my points quite a bit at first. I think it was because I was new to tig and kept holding the torch too far away from the work which resulted in the arc start running much longer and more often than it was designed for. The resulting heat tended to warp the metal that held the points. Now that I'm a better welder I never have to touch them. I think your new design is much more forgiving.
    My Stuff:
    Everlast PP256
    Century Mig 135
    BladeRunner Inverted Jig Saw
    HF 14" Chop Saw
    Box full of HF 4" Angle Grinders
    Home made tank roller!

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