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Thread: 160 sth arc start problem

  1. Default 160 sth arc start problem

    Hi all...I'm having a problem with arc starting lately...On HF..Using the paddle swith..Sometimes the arc starts..Sometimes it takes 5-10 seconds..Sometimes it doesn't start at all....I'm using 1/16 electrode. Tight arc lenght( 60-90 thousandths) 1/16/3/32...#6 SGL..1/16 70rs6 filler on 1/8 CRS..Beveled to 75* included feather egde..Polished & acetoned...EVERYTHING...60-80 amps..Sometimes the arc is real weak..Taking forever to melt base metal..Sometimes its hot & you gota get moving quick.????Has anyone experienced this ???? It seems to be getting worse over time..Thanks for any input......Rambozo..Lug..This might be one for you guys..Whata ya think???.....
    Last edited by stretch; 08-12-2014 at 11:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    Hi all...I'm having a problem with arc starting lately...On HF..Using the paddle swith..Sometimes the arc starts..Sometimes it takes 5-10 seconds..Sometimes it doesn't start at all....I'm using 1/16 electrode. Tight arc lenght( 60-90 thousandths) 1/16/3/32...#6 SGL..1/16 70rs6 filler on 1/8 CRS..Beveled to 75* included feather egde..Polished & acetoned...EVERYTHING...60-80 amps..Sometimes the arc is real weak..Taking forever to melt base metal..Sometimes its hot & you gota get moving quick.????Has anyone experienced this ???? It seems to be getting worse over time..Thanks for any input......Rambozo..Lug..This might be one for you guys..Whata ya think???.....
    How does it do with lift arc? If it's ok with lift, then first thing I would check are the HF points, if it has them. I'm not sure if that is a points machine or solid state HF. If it won't start with lift, then I would check over all the cables and connections. Especially pull back the rubber boots at the DINSE connectors and look for problems there. Did you ever get your loose TIG DINSE sorted out? If there was arcing going on inside the DINSE you may have a buildup of carbon in there which could cause the problems you describe. Also you can check stick mode. The more info you can provide to tech support, the better they will be able to point you in the right direction.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #3


    It's a points machine. As Rambozo said, try lift starting it. You could have a loose work clamp or work clamp cable.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    How does it do with lift arc? If it's ok with lift, then first thing I would check are the HF points, if it has them. I'm not sure if that is a points machine or solid state HF. If it won't start with lift, then I would check over all the cables and connections. Especially pull back the rubber boots at the DINSE connectors and look for problems there. Did you ever get your loose TIG DINSE sorted out? If there was arcing going on inside the DINSE you may have a buildup of carbon in there which could cause the problems you describe. Also you can check stick mode. The more info you can provide to tech support, the better they will be able to point you in the right direction.
    Thanks for the reply Ram..Will try lift tomorrow first thing..Where are the points facing the front panel ?? Remember jody saying his 250 had to be adjusted..Gap was .020-.040 I think?? The dinse problem ?? Yea..After calling a half dozen times, leaving my number.."waiting for a response...AND NOT GETTIN 1 SINGLE CALL BACK..I finally just made a shim it locks up nice..Then I got on ebay & bought a dam near brand new invertec 275s for my stick needs..It doesn't care what rod OR size you throw at it... Tigs great too,just no HF..But I like my little 160..So did EVERYONE that saw it at the last start up I took it on...All the chink jokes stopped instantly when I snapped an HF arc(ya gota love that)...LMAO..ALL of um had to try it..You shoulda seen there faces...OOOHH it was sweet..LOL...Then it was my turn to rag there maxi's..Couple guys wanted to buy it....But I just couldn't part with it...Gota hit the road again the 19th..would really like to take her with me again...Gota 25 dinse to safe-lock adapter for my flex-lock..Now just gota scrounge up the QD adapter for the gas & a trigger switch & i'm in buisness..Like I said..NOTHN wrong with my GRENN GOBLIN..I love it..But like ANY tool..Sometimes ya gota fix um..Those point numbers would be GREATLY appreciated ram...Thanks again man....Stretch
    Last edited by stretch; 08-13-2014 at 08:16 AM.

  5. Default

    Oh yea..And BTW..This is for all the brainwashed minions out there that are cryin no resale value if ya buy/sell your everlast/chinese junk/it aint BLUE.. ya won't get squat for it...BLA BLA BLA..When I ask um if they would give me what I paid for it...NOTA SINGLE ONE said no...LOL....One kid pulled out his wallet and showed me the cash when I said,,NAH..I can't sell it...(makes ya wish ya hada fly on the wall witha GO-PRO strapped to his ###...NOW THAT would be a commercial I'd like to post next in line for the NAY SAYERS)..HAHAHA...Sorry...I just had to get that out!!!! lmao

  6. #6


    The point location has changed on that unit over time. It should be toward the front of the machine. Only remove the rear cover, and the metal cover though. Do not remove the front under any circumstances. You should shoot for .030-.040 ,where ever it seems to do the best. We've got connectors on our site, under the consumables tab, under misc (consumables and parts). If you want the screw on type, give us a call, order them and we'll drop ship them to you from CK.

  7. Smile

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    It's a points machine. As Rambozo said, try lift starting it. You could have a loose work clamp or work clamp cable.
    Well..After looking for the 3rd time..The woven copper strap on the work clamp had broken off right at the edge of the contact jaw..A couple threads were the only connection...It was still in place like it was supposed to be..No wonder I couldn't see it..(of course being old AND blind couldn't possibly be figured in the equation)..Repaired it & it worked great again....For a couple arc starts anyway...Lit up again & it started acting like a no gas fizzle...BECAUSE...I was outa gas...Ya gota be kiddin me right ??? lol...Thanks gang...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Glad you were able to resolve it! Is there still time to get to the LWS so you have argon for the weekend?
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    Glad you were able to resolve it! Is there still time to get to the LWS so you have argon for the weekend?
    Glad you found the problem. I think Harbor Freight sells an OK clamp, the one here does.

    A great gig.. I work Saturday and Sunday only, at a LWS. I have lots of tanks, but I recall the day I would kill to have a LWS open on the weekend. I have a metal shop open Sat 7-12... So lucky there...
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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