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Hi all...I'm having a problem with arc starting lately...On HF..Using the paddle swith..Sometimes the arc starts..Sometimes it takes 5-10 seconds..Sometimes it doesn't start at all....I'm using 1/16 electrode. Tight arc lenght( 60-90 thousandths) 1/16/3/32...#6 SGL..1/16 70rs6 filler on 1/8 CRS..Beveled to 75* included feather egde..Polished & acetoned...EVERYTHING...60-80 amps..Sometimes the arc is real weak..Taking forever to melt base metal..Sometimes its hot & you gota get moving quick.????Has anyone experienced this ???? It seems to be getting worse over time..Thanks for any input......Rambozo..Lug..This might be one for you guys..Whata ya think???.....
How does it do with lift arc? If it's ok with lift, then first thing I would check are the HF points, if it has them. I'm not sure if that is a points machine or solid state HF. If it won't start with lift, then I would check over all the cables and connections. Especially pull back the rubber boots at the DINSE connectors and look for problems there. Did you ever get your loose TIG DINSE sorted out? If there was arcing going on inside the DINSE you may have a buildup of carbon in there which could cause the problems you describe. Also you can check stick mode. The more info you can provide to tech support, the better they will be able to point you in the right direction.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!