Hi all...I'm having a problem with arc starting lately...On HF..Using the paddle swith..Sometimes the arc starts..Sometimes it takes 5-10 seconds..Sometimes it doesn't start at all....I'm using 1/16 electrode. Tight arc lenght( 60-90 thousandths) 1/16/3/32...#6 SGL..1/16 70rs6 filler on 1/8 CRS..Beveled to 75* included feather egde..Polished & acetoned...EVERYTHING...60-80 amps..Sometimes the arc is real weak..Taking forever to melt base metal..Sometimes its hot & you gota get moving quick.????Has anyone experienced this ???? It seems to be getting worse over time..Thanks for any input......Rambozo..Lug..This might be one for you guys..Whata ya think???.....