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Thread: Please help!!

  1. Default Please help!!

    I pu costing me time archased the supercut 50p it work for about about an hour. I cut a a total of maybe 12 inches of 1/4 inch thick material. And the machine died. I sent it back and waited for 5 days and the new one lasted 3 days and it start sparking and not cutting. Now the alarm light is on and it will only blow air. Has anyone had this problem or know how to fix it. This is extremely aggravating and it's costing me lots of time and money. Just to be clear I'm running it on 220 which I have checked. Everything is hooked up correctly. I have put all new consumables in it. It's clean metal grounded good. I have many filters on my air system.

  2. #2


    Unfortunately, this is the cheapest product, we sell. It's a MOSFET unit, and our entry level product. We've not concentrated a lot of energy on this product and is one reason this line only carries a 3 year warranty. We have a lot better product. The good SuperCuts are good, but they do have higher issue rates. The best I can recommend is that you immediately call and tell them the second one is not working. That is the best course of action for now.

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