How many Dinse connectors are there???
I have a 200DX and looking for a couple cable connectors. Looks like the places that sell them don't have good specs or part numbers that match. The ones I need, the post is about a .508 diameter (13mm is about .511) and the length is about .65.
I picked up a pair and they are about a .422 (11mm .433) diameter and .6 long. Too small.
Where is a good place to pick them up and make sure I get the right ones. I like ebay, better to give your cc to one place instead of passing the card all over the net.
The ones I found on the net, some go by stud size, next one is wire size, next one by model number, next one by hole size. Which hole the female connector or the wire side???
Need to have a sticky thread on the connector specs.
Shade tree MIG welder.
Now a Shade tree TIG welder.