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Thread: Hello from Virginia

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Virginia

    My name is Loyd. I am retired from the US Army. Currently I work as a veterans advocate and build modified equipment for disabled veterans. I have been waiting awhile to purchase new welders. I got my new Powertig 185 DV on Friday. I ordered the Deluxe accessories package shipped to me for $970. Box arrived undamaged. I unpacked and checked everything for damage. Come to find out there is no stick welding lead included. Ok so no testing the new stick function. $36 to Cyber Weld for a stick welding lead. The consumables starter kit came with two #4 cups and 3/32" colets. $20 more at the lws for a gas lense and usable cup sizes. I am planning on firing it up tomorrow for a project that needs to get finished.

    So far I am not getting the warm and fuzzies about this purchase. The salesman only wanted to talk to me if I was planning on purchasing something that day. He acted like he didn't have time to answer questions. Then I was transferred to someone else to make payment. When I called back to check on the stick welding lead I had to wait four hours for a call back from sales and all I got was a quick "no it is not included". Hopefully I will feel better after I have gotten to weld with it and get the stick lead to check that it will also stick weld.

  2. #2


    Loyd welcome to the forum, sorry to here your troubles with Everlast, thy were good to me when i bought my PA200.
    Lincoln A/C 225
    Everlast P/A 200

  3. #3


    Had a chance to test out the tig function on AC and DC. Pedal worked well also tried the hand switch. The large argon tubing that was shipped with the welder creates a large surge when lighting up. I switched it out to a quality 3/16 tubing and it took care of the surge. Overall I am pretty impressed with the little welder. Set at 20 amps I could lay a decent bead on 20 Ga aluminum with no backing. The AC frequency you have to play by ear. When I had my dial set to the 12 o'clock it sounded pretty close to 60htz. Beyond the 3 o'clock position the htz increased rapidly from around 120 to MAX. AC balance responded as expected. I only got it up to about 80 amps. I was pleasantly surprised that the max amperage is controlled on the panel and not by the foot pedal. Ran a couple beads on a thick piece of SS scrap with good results. No issues with the high frequency. Forgot to try lift arc function. Will try it next week when the stick lead is here.
    Everlast Power Tig 185 DV
    Hobart 210 MVP MIG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Welcome, Loyd! Glad to hear you're liking the machine. I'd be interested to see what kind of work you're doing, modifying equipment for vets. Got any photos?
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  5. #5


    Welcome. I do know that Katya is responsible for entering direct she has to take the information etc... That frees others up to talk directly about the product to customers. That allows our staff to do more ad be more efficient, with less cost to the customer. I am not sure if it was a busy day or not, (Mondays and Fridays usually are) but you shouldn't have been rushed. My apologies for that. Here's a link to the website for the unit. Also a link to the lead with the electrode holder and DINSE attached. There is no stick lead mentioned being included anywhere that I know of on the welder's page.

    Lift arc function is not intended for Stick. It's only for TIG.

  6. #6


    Mark go to the product page and click on the "Brochure" that is just above the price.
    I received all the items across the top of the second page with the exception of the stick lead and a smaller consumables kit. I see the fine print now about the accessories vary. I think you need to ask customers would you like a stick lead. If so I may have ordered one from you. I already had one delivered to my door for $33 from another vendor.

    I am aware that the lift function is not for Stick welding. I was not planning on firing the tig welder back up until I received the stick lead. Then I will be able to test the stick function and the tig lift arc function.

    And is it to late to ask for my 10% off my first purchase. I forgot to to say something about it when I was on the phone.

    Pontoon wheel chair ramp.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Everlast Power Tig 185 DV
    Hobart 210 MVP MIG

  7. #7


    Daveo this is a 24' pontoon boat that I built from 2 different boats so I could make it wheel chair accessible for my brothers in wheel chairs. It was featured in last months Pontoon and Deck Boat magazine.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    I also built a custom anchor and mount.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	12368

    No welding this weekend I am at a cycling event with Wounded Warrior Project.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	12369
    Last edited by 1outboard; 09-13-2014 at 04:44 AM. Reason: picture spacing
    Everlast Power Tig 185 DV
    Hobart 210 MVP MIG

  8. #8


    If anyone is interested this was the best price I found on a stick welding lead for the PowerTIG 185. 13' cable with 200amp electrode holder and 50mm Dinse connector. $33.38 with free shipping.
    Everlast Power Tig 185 DV
    Hobart 210 MVP MIG

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