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Thread: I-tig 200T help!!!! Has mind of its own

  1. Default I-tig 200T help!!!! Has mind of its own

    During middle of exhaust project this started. Anyone have similar issue? Less than a year old. Have a few other clips I'll add in a bit. Just does as it wants. Switches memory setttings. Amps. Everything.

    Please help.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  2. Default

    More of the same. Don't even have to press button or spin dial. Will do it all on it own. There is like an invisible grimmlin screwing with my welding.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    You can check for loose connections on the boards, but I get the feeling that you will have to send it in for service. Very odd.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. Default

    I REALLY hope I don't have to send it in. I needed to finish this project this weekend. Sending in is atleast 2 weeks just in transit. Will opening the machine void any type of warrenty?
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  5. #5


    No it wont. Sounds like a loose cable.

  6. Default

    So I opened the cover and pressed the connections from the front panel and the opposite end of the cable that connects to the upper board. And pressed on all the other connections I could get to. Put the cover back on and fired it up.... No dice. However. It did stay on 1 setting for a while and got some work done. HF start no longer works. Had to lift start even when HF was selected. Then randomly it went back to crazy mode and shot a hole through my piece at like 180 amps and then I watched the display panel go wild. Sitting here thinking about it really pisses me off.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  7. #7


    The good thing about it, is that you can call in today. Likely it would be something that you could fix as that unit is mostly plug and play. Last one I had did have a soldered ground wire to the board, but that is an easy fix. The modular components make self service easy (and a whole lot quicker these days), if the problem can be isolated.


  8. Default

    i will take covers off and call from home at my lunch break. fingers still crossed.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by redstopgreen View Post
    i will take covers off and call from home at my lunch break. fingers still crossed.
    Only remove screws on the sides and rear, the front stays in place. Barely snug when you put them back.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  10. Default

    called in and spoke with tech support. we walked through a few possible options, none of which did anything. The first step in getting the issue resolved, is trying a new logic board.

    there is no pattern to the issue that i can find. when i was on the phone it switched from program 2 to 6 while twisting the dial knob. then it stayed on program 6, but the program button would not function. all other buttons functioned properly. the HF start still does not kick off. with either HF or lift start selected, i only get an arc while lift starting. also noticed with pedal plugged in the amps switched to 2 until i clicked the knob to change amps, then back to 2 after a few seconds. never noticed if that happened in the past. i thought it always displayed peak amps when idle. when the torch switch is plugged in, it displays peak amps.

    any who, the saga continues. hopefully it will stay on 1 program tonight, and i can get some more work done. being that i have never scratch started when tig welding, i am killing my sharpened tungsten pile. new skills are developing
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  11. #11


    That unit has a single board, besides the display, touch panel board.

  12. Default

    2 ? I saw 4. The front with controls. The large one that sits vertical on the side. And 2 smaller boards up top one of which has that ribbon cable from the front board, and a smaller one behind it. Not sure which is the "logic" portion. I would lean toward one of the top 2. But I'll know when I receive next week. I really hope it solves issue without sending in. Shipping costs and down time is expensive these days. Maybe I can trade up if I have to return unit or something.

    Tech guy was very friendly and knowledgable. I know it has to be frustrating trying to explain and describe solutions without seeing and touching. So I would give a 4 out of 5 stars. Full 5 would be were sending you a replacement unit with a return label for broken unit. But $15 shipping cost for a shot a fixing ain't bad.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  13. Default

    While I wait for the cross country journey of the logic part. I've been able to do a bit of welding by attempting to set all 9 programs close enough to eachother so when they change on their own durring welding, it isn't too far off. Please let logic part fix this. Pleeeeese
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  14. Default

    Since I haven't been able to do much in the way of melting metals. I figured I'd straighten my area a bit. Built a much needed filler metal holder from some 1.5" PVC and some scrap metals. Then painted her up. Pretty close match

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  15. Default

    Ahhhhhhhh. Son of a biscuit. Intercepted box at work tonight. Got home. And wired the new logic panel(required soldiering of a ground) plugged everything back up. Was excited that it acctually turned on. That joy was quickly extinguished. The initial startup was program 1 @ 200amp. Went to turn it down and it hopped to program 5(where it stayed for duration of testing). No HF starts still. No program adjustments. Will be calling back tomorrow

    1 positive note. The new board give adjustment on post and pre flow to decimal point. Before it was 1 or nothing. Aswell as the slopes. That's cool. But still. #### is busted. Damit.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  16. Default

    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  17. Default

    Little update on the saga.

    Spoke with my sales person today for a short bit. He will be making a few inquires and calling me back in a couple of days.

    And I kicked out more dollars. $60 to return unit for warranty machine repair via ups ground. 26lbs North Carolina to service center.

    This is starting to be a costly breakage. $75 out of pocket for shipping the logic board and return of unit. Then downtime, which can't really have a exact dollar amount but the headache alone has to be like 3 bucks in Tylenol. Lol. You get the point.

    Happy, yet not so much at the same time. We will have to see how far they are willing to go for a customer. This will be determining factor of brand allegiance and promotion.

    Thank you all for reading and keeping up this far. Will keep adding details to the story as they come. Hope what ever the outcome is, will help others in a similar spot or researching machines.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by redstopgreen View Post
    Little update on the saga.

    Spoke with my sales person today for a short bit. He will be making a few inquires and calling me back in a couple of days.

    And I kicked out more dollars. $60 to return unit for warranty machine repair via ups ground. 26lbs North Carolina to service center.

    This is starting to be a costly breakage. $75 out of pocket for shipping the logic board and return of unit. Then downtime, which can't really have a exact dollar amount but the headache alone has to be like 3 bucks in Tylenol. Lol. You get the point.

    Happy, yet not so much at the same time. We will have to see how far they are willing to go for a customer. This will be determining factor of brand allegiance and promotion.

    Thank you all for reading and keeping up this far. Will keep adding details to the story as they come. Hope what ever the outcome is, will help others in a similar spot or researching machines.


    Since the board was not the issue , I will refund on shipping and get you prepaid label for that board to go back to us. Once we will be done with your welder , will cover shipping back .
    repair should not take more then 5 working days .

    If you like to upgrade to different model , we can also do that but we cant offer you our cost . New unit will be discounted to below retail price .

    if you like to talk me please do call my cell or office
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  19. Default

    Now that's some customer service!!! Soon to be a 5 star happy customer again I hope. Working out details behind the scene, but my inability to talk on the phone is slowing that process a little.
    Everlast I-tig 200T
    Lincoln 140C

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by redstopgreen View Post
    Now that's some customer service!!! Soon to be a 5 star happy customer again I hope. Working out details behind the scene, but my inability to talk on the phone is slowing that process a little.

    you asked if you can upgrade to EX250 .. answer is YES. I will make am exception and take your 1 year old unit at full price you paid us and sell you 250EX at 1500$ free shipping
    so around 850$ you can have new 250EX. This offer good for next 3 weeks, till end of October.

    I think offer is fair and will work for you
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

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