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Thread: Help dialing in MIG on MTS 200

  1. Default Help dialing in MIG on MTS 200

    I'll start by saying I'm just a hobby welder and have a lot to learn! I'm having trouble getting my MIG settings dialed in to find a sweet spot on the MTS 200. Probably just need more time on the machine. I was just wondering if there's any charts are general settings for volts, ipm / thickness that apply well to this MIG.
    I do own a Millermatic 211 I keep at the ranch and have had success with it but needed an all round unit close by. Haven't found any charts specific to this unit and was hoping someone could steer me in the right direction. Any advice on setting wave form would be helpful also. Thanks in advance, Jerry

  2. #2


    Welcome to the forum. A few things worth mentioning
    1) Most charts are notorious for inaccuracy...according to most people, and from my own experience. There are numerous welding calculators found online and some are downloadable as apps on your mobile device. Hate to promote other brands, but Miller's does a decent job.
    2) Charts are intentioned for the most part for Transformer machines with limited tap settings so they are more simple to pinpoint a workable range.
    3) Check your wire manufacturer's recommendations. They will give you a range of volts and wirespeed/amps to run the unit at.
    4) I typically set my voltage for the general range and then "tune" my wire speed to it.
    5) The MIG arc force/wave form feature can blow any definable settings we could give out of the water. So, you should figure out how stiff, or fluid you like your arc and leave it there while adjusting...and once you found something that is close to what you like then try to fine tune it so you get it exactly right. I'd suggest starting it with about 75% turned up. Avoid either extreme and I think most people will still want to use it over 50% and not over 85%...though I could be wrong on that one. Anyway it's 75% for me.
    6) Make sure your gas flow rate is adequate, but not too much for sure as it will destabilize the arc.

    Hope these help.

  3. #3


    Another thought and like Mark said, we like to help you here when we can and not send you elsewhere. But Jody at just did a number of new MIG dos and don'ts. Just in the last couple weeks. One on wire speed, one was setting volts (even if on a island )

    I could not find the links, maybe someone still has them. After time, he will just set the dials, but it takes some time under the hood for sure.

    FYI, we run 75% plus here too.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. Default

    Thanks to both Mike and Mark for the quick response and advice. I look forward to spending a little time under the hood tweaking my new toy. A little cool weather down here in Texas would certainly help. And yes Mike, I have found to be very helpful and I'm already on their mailing list. Ill let you know how it goes. Lots of projects on the horizon. Thanks again, Jerry

  5. #5


    There is one video of Jody's on MIG that if you follow it, it will steer you wrong...It's the one checking wire speed. Especially for the newer models of MIGs. I can't believe it, but IF I hadn't seen the video of Duncan testing them in the factory, I would not have believed it. Our units actually turn SLOWER without a load. One half or less of the fulll wire speed cability. Duncan is testing the units on a load bank under maximum wire speed capability and the wire feeder is singing a tune and is spitting out right at 600 ipm, though if you measure it actually it is less than half that. But to test it for yourself, without a load bank might be difficult....If you don't have it, I guess you can weld max output for 10 seconds with a premeasured piece of wire, then measure the balance left over after 10 seconds and subtract from your starting total. Top wire speed on the new MTS 200's is about 600 ipm, possibly a tad more or less.

  6. Default

    Yea Mark, I did see that Video and it left me a little more confused. Thanks again for staying on top of this stuff!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    There is one video of Jody's on MIG that if you follow it, it will steer you wrong...It's the one checking wire speed. Especially for the newer models of MIGs. I can't believe it, but IF I hadn't seen the video of Duncan testing them in the factory, I would not have believed it. Our units actually turn SLOWER without a load. One half or less of the fulll wire speed cability. Duncan is testing the units on a load bank under maximum wire speed capability and the wire feeder is singing a tune and is spitting out right at 600 ipm, though if you measure it actually it is less than half that. But to test it for yourself, without a load bank might be difficult....If you don't have it, I guess you can weld max output for 10 seconds with a premeasured piece of wire, then measure the balance left over after 10 seconds and subtract from your starting total. Top wire speed on the new MTS 200's is about 600 ipm, possibly a tad more or less.
    Is that because the machine is automatically adjusting the wire speed to suit the load, or is it just an artifact of the design?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  8. Default

    I have had a great deal of success the last few runs. I realize now, I was running my wire speed way too low. After watching a video of course. Like I implied earlier, there's just no replacement for practice and time under the hood. Very pleased with the product. Thanks again for the help!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry J View Post
    I have had a great deal of success the last few runs. I realize now, I was running my wire speed way too low. After watching a video of course. Like I implied earlier, there's just no replacement for practice and time under the hood. Very pleased with the product. Thanks again for the help!
    Glad you are getting it dialed in. It takes time. But you will only get better.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    Is that because the machine is automatically adjusting the wire speed to suit the load, or is it just an artifact of the design?
    It's something I am not sure about on this one. I think it's got to do with the way the DC is being generated underload to drive it.

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