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Thread: PowerTIG 200DX Dual Voltage Gas Inlet Fitting Size

  1. #1

    Default PowerTIG 200DX Dual Voltage Gas Inlet Fitting Size

    What size is the gas inlet fitting size on the PowerTIG 200DX Dual Voltage? I have already tried a 1/4 in barbed fitting for my Victor 2400 Flowmeter from my local weld shop but it was too small for the fiber reinforced hose supplied with the welder. Please advise. Thanks.
    Everlast 200DX Dual Voltage
    ThermalArc 181i
    Lincoln ProCut 25
    Victor O/A Torch
    Jackson Pro Variable
    Jackson HSL100 Passive w/Phillips Gold #10
    Tweco Weldskill Auto-Darkening

  2. #2


    Do you have one with a hosebarb? or threaded fitting. If it's threaded then it's 5/8" CGA. If not, I think it's 5/16 hose barb. Usually 1/4" can be fit onto 5/16" hosebarb if there is any flex at all in the line. We've been using 5/8" CGA for a while now on most of our units.

  3. #3


    Thanks, Performance.

    I picked up another 5/16 barbed fitting to splice to a WA Technology Gas Saver System.

    5/8 in. CGA would be much easier for us in the U.S. If the new units come with that fitting that would be considered a move forward.
    Everlast 200DX Dual Voltage
    ThermalArc 181i
    Lincoln ProCut 25
    Victor O/A Torch
    Jackson Pro Variable
    Jackson HSL100 Passive w/Phillips Gold #10
    Tweco Weldskill Auto-Darkening

  4. #4


    No, we don't have any plans for the 5/8". That's a move backwards. I suspect you'll start seeing other brands with a quick connect like this. Lincoln already uses them on some of their product. The 5/8" is slow and aggravating to connect up compared to it. Europe uses them as well. There are plenty of sources of the quick connects as they have become standard. We sell them, Arc Zone sells them, and many others.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I think he was talking about the gas inlet, which you said you are making "B" CGA, but he has a hose barb version.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  6. #6


    It's a 5/8" CGA. Not sure how old his unit is.

  7. #7


    Yes, I was talking about the gas inlet which on my machine is a barbed fitting. I purchased the PowerTIG 200DX Dual Voltage Welder October of 2013.
    Last edited by MBfrontier; 09-24-2014 at 08:25 AM.
    Everlast 200DX Dual Voltage
    ThermalArc 181i
    Lincoln ProCut 25
    Victor O/A Torch
    Jackson Pro Variable
    Jackson HSL100 Passive w/Phillips Gold #10
    Tweco Weldskill Auto-Darkening

  8. #8


    Not sure, but you may have gotten one of the last ones to have it of that model.

  9. #9


    Here it is:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0897.jpg 
Views:	383 
Size:	132.3 KB 
ID:	12386
    Everlast 200DX Dual Voltage
    ThermalArc 181i
    Lincoln ProCut 25
    Victor O/A Torch
    Jackson Pro Variable
    Jackson HSL100 Passive w/Phillips Gold #10
    Tweco Weldskill Auto-Darkening

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