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Thread: Time for an upgrade, but do I jump ship from Blue and Red and try something Green?

  1. Question Time for an upgrade, but do I jump ship from Blue and Red and try something Green?

    First time posting on this forum, been poking around for awhile though. I have been in the welding industry for many years, but just in the last 3-4 have I really started doing sizable side projects on my own. I currently have a Miller 175 mig and a Lincoln AC/DC 175 squarewave tig. I do a large amount of automotive fabrication. I've started doing roll cage installs, tube chassis mods, manifolds etc. The Lincoln has served me pretty well, but it is really lacking in adjustment. over the last year I have had an increase in requests for aluminum fab. Being a stickler of my work, I'm capable of doing basic stuff, but am not happy with the performance my machine puts out due to its severe lack of adjustment.

    I'm going to be starting a small side business as I have gained more attention to my abilities. If I'm going to provide a full range of welding capabilities I want a machine that can give me the results I desire. I have been looking at some of the 200 amp models of Everlast tigs:
    • 200DX
    • 210EXT
    • 225LX
    • 250EX

    I hadn't heard of Everlast until this past summer, Give me your input, convince me why I should jump ship.

    One last questions, I have spent quite a bit of money on my current tig torch, its a WeldCraft WP-17 with an assortment of pyrex and #14 and #18 cups from toxicfab. Can this rig be adapted to these machines? Not a make or break deal, but it would be pretty cool if I could use it.


    Look forward to hearing your comments.

  2. #2


    If you are doing what you are saying you are doing, I'd look at the 210EXT or the 255EXT. These do cost more but you are still under half what you'd likely spend on a Dyansty 200DX halfway equipped.

    Yes, the torches will work without a problem. You'll need a gas quick connect adapter, which is around 11.00 but outside that it is an easy swap if you have DINSE 50 connectors. (Not sure though if you are using gas through. If you are then you'll need the the standard type DINSE.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Welcome to the forums, IronFreak!

    I lurked for a long time before joining the forum, trying to objectively gather information, and obviously the answer you get will depend on who you ask, and on what forum. But I'll throw my 2 cents in.

    I worked at a LWS for some years back in the day, and originally only considered Red and Blue as viable options.What opened my mind to Everlast were some of the obvious things: lower "admission price" and the 5 year warranty, for instance. When I entered "Everlast" into a search engine I eventually found a site called and the reviews of Everlast machines on that site helped me make up my mind.

    Now that I've been on the forum a while, some details that may not be immediately obvious to a lurker came to light: Everlast maintains direct control of production at the factory, for instance.

    Looking forward to seeing your future posts.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. #4


    A broken RED machine brought me to Everlast many years ago. Have not looked back, sold me BLUE as well for good money. I have both the 210EXT and the 255EXT. I like the start a tad better on the 210, but the 255 has all the power and feature you will probably ever need.

    I also have out MIG-200 and MIG 250P. Our MIG prices on the higher amp machines are close to the BIG COLOR, but work all the same and solid.

    Good luck in you pick. The 250EX is one of my old favorites. Does not take long to learn the knobs, power and better price.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5


    Welcome to the forum.
    I have a PA 200 and it is going strong 3 years now with no troubles.
    Lincoln A/C 225
    Everlast P/A 200

  6. Default

    Thanks for all the replies guys I appreciate it. And positive feedback as well. As far as machines go, one of the driving factors is budget. The side business will never be a full-time gig, more or less a way to support my expensive hobby of racing. I'm a Project manager for a very large steel fabricator in the Midwest and really enjoy what I do. The 210EXT is at the top end of my budget, and while I know I'll eventually take this back, I don't see me using all the amp capabilities of the 250EXT anytime soon either. What really gives me piece of mind is the warranty, 5 years is pretty impressive. I'm currently working on getting into a larger shop, once the dust settles on that I'll probably pickup the 210EXT.

    Again, thanks for all your input!


  7. #7


    Everlast 210ext intro and a view at some of the p…:

    I have the newest version of the 210ext with the w300 cooler and a weldcraft cs310 torch and love it! I weld full time at work with a miller 350p syncrowave and like my green machine more
    Last edited by dzljon; 10-11-2014 at 05:14 PM.
    Machines: EVERLAST Power Tig 210EXT w/ water cooler and 25' CS310 weldcraft torch
    MILLER 211 mig w/spool gun
    EVERLAST Power Plasma 80s mounted on my Torchmate 2x2 cnc table
    SMITHY 1324 mill/lathe
    60 gal. 7.5 hp air compressor


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