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Thread: PowerArc 300

  1. Cool PowerArc 300

    Just wanted to stop by, and tell you guys how impressed I' am with my new PowerArc 300! I've never ran much 6010 in my life, but this machine makes it about as easy as falling off a log. I know this isn't perfect, but like I said I never ran much 6010.
    6-inch sch 80 pipe 6-G. Cap passes is 5/32-inch ESAB 10P 6010. Ran it at 125-amps, 5 on the arc force.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2


    Hey Carl,
    I have the powerarc 200st and 6011 and 7018 are both as easy as falling off a log. I am going to repair a bush hog deck for my father on his farm and I am thinking about alternating using my welder and his Buzz box to bring me back to reality. I have not used 6010 rod, how much difference between it and the 6011?


  3. Default

    6010, and 6011 run pretty much the same way. I think you'll see 6010 called for more than 6011 on jobs. I've had real good luck with Hobart's 335A 6011.

  4. #4


    On fab jobs where you have pipe 6010 is usually required. Right or wrong, that's what it is. The rest of the world doesn't see it that way on the other side of the pond. Even here, people are starting to use 7018 all the way out now due to metal difference concerns. 6011 IS the rod of choice if you are in the portable repair business around here if you have rusty or painted or dirty metal. It's a perfect rod for repairing farm equipment and backyard engineering where fitup is poor. It welds similarly to the 6010 and it's a much more stable rod, so why worry with 6010 if its easier and gets the job done? The die hard 6010 guys have limited experience outside of their immediate job description. You'll find that this is what they have always used, so that is what they are going to use. They think that if it gets the job done on a root pass on a pipeline, it is the rod to use in other applications. Maybe, maybe not, but people get awfully defensive and even political about their welding rods and don't realize the bigger picture or the wider scope of the profession. What is good in one application doesn't always translate to what is best in something totally different, but you'll find welders who will swear their life away about how this is the "right" rod to use...even if they've never done something out of their narrow little field.

  5. Default

    In the 1970s I worked on a huge addition to a Chevron oil refinery. There must have been at least 200 pipe welders on that job. Each welder had one to two fitters. They had these little welding shacks all over the job site. I got to know several of these welders really well. I was shocked how many of them tacked their work up with 6011, but made the welds with 6010, because of the WPS. I just had to ask why! They believed 6011 was more ductile, and they could bang the fittings around further with out the tacks breaking.

  6. #6


    I have a small dc welder that I had before I bought my powerarc200st, I could not use the lincoln 6011 on it, only the Hobart rods.
    I can use both with my Everlast. I perfer the flux on the Hobarts, it is a very easy rod to use.


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Grafted View Post
    I have a small dc welder that I had before I bought my powerarc200st, I could not use the lincoln 6011 on it, only the Hobart rods.
    I can use both with my Everlast. I perfer the flux on the Hobarts, it is a very easy rod to use.

    You can run 6011, either on the PA200. It's a strong little machine.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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