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Hey guys,
I purchased a Powertig 185 a month ago and have just recently gotten around to using it more. Only thing I don't like is the argon comes out of the torch in a big "whoosh" when I first start the arc, then it settles down. I realize that some preflow is necessary, but what I am experiencing seems excessive and a waste of gas.
I've tried shortening the gas supply hose that came with the welder down to about 14", but I'm still having the issue. Will another type of hose fix this issue, or do I need some sort of flow restrictor?
I'm using a Victor HRF 1480-580 flowmeter regulator....believe the delivery pressure setting is 25 psi.
Thanks for any help you all might be able to provide.
25 psi is about the lowest you should go. What you are looking for is choked flow, and that will happen above 25 psi for flow rates around 10-15 CFH. There are a lot of ways to combat that issue. A short, small diameter, non-expanding hose will help a lot. Since that machine does not have a preflow control, you can't crank that up. I am not a fan of them, anyway, and there is a technique that will take care of the issue. It is easiest with a foot pedal, but you can adapt it to a torch switch as well. Make sure you have some postflow dialed in. Then while holding the torch away from the work, tap and release the pedal. This will start the post flow timer. Now move the torch into position and then press the pedal to start your arc while the post flow timer is still going. You will get a very crip and precise arc start, with no delay and the weld area will have good shielding, so there will be no issues with porosity at the start of the weld.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!