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Thread: Tig (ac/dc), mig, stick, plasma

  1. #1

    Default Tig (ac/dc), mig, stick, plasma

    Will Everlast ever design a full all in one machine with 120/240 TIG (AC/DC), MIG, STICK, and PLASMA? I really like features of the POWERMTS models but cannot find myself purchasing one because it does not have AC/DC TIG. I'm sure there has to be more interest in a lot of us home users for a true ALL in one machine.

    What are the complications of such a machine?
    Brandon Raineri
    The Pennsylvania State University
    Studying Industrial Engineering

    Everlast PowerPro 205
    Everlast I-Mig 200
    SpeedGlas 9100x
    Milwaukee 14" Dry Cut Saw
    Craftsman 6"x48" Belt Sander with 9" Disc Sander

  2. #2


    No. You won't. It would be too large,bulky and expensive. MIG does not work well with AC TIG.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    The basic power supply is different between TIG/STICK/PLASMA and MIG. Constant current vs constant voltage. While you can build a supply that does both, the cost would go up a lot. Also the complexity of the machine would make it less reliable, and when it does break down, you are out of action completely. There are some tricks to get different processes out of different power supplies, but they never perform as well as the real deal. I do not know for sure, but I suspect that the stick welding output on the MTS is using a trick of some kind to allow the CV supply to work. Another trick that would give you what you want would be to use a PowerPro 256 then add a voltage sensing wire feeder. But again I don't think you would like it. While they do the job, they are fussy to weld with and not the thing for a home user.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. #4


    No actually the MTS doesn't use some sort of trick. It's a true CC/CV machine. It performs very well on all accounts and does not compromise performance. Plasma is the issue with the TIG Stick Plasma units and is a separate inverter that has to run through the same control circuitry. The AC is the issue with MIG and HF.

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