I'm having an issue with the display showing amps that are way off. Everything is working well except for the display. I know the dial position I need for a good weld, but the reading is way off from what it is. Showing amps anywhere from 20s to 700s depending on dial settings. I called x207 tech support but was told to send them the unit. I asked if there was any other option but was told that the issue I was having would require me to send it back and wait 6-8 weeks. I know that the tipsntricks guy was given good tech advice and fixed his starting issue by setting his gap at .030". You seem to have a similar issue to mine and it sounds like you got a chip in the mail? I don't know if my chips are socketed or not, but I have tweezers with different blades and have removed thousands of SMT chips. I don't understand why I can't get the same kind of tech help- I'd need a new machine if I have to send mine out. I can take whatever readings I need to and fix whatever the problem is. Who do I need to call to get a higher level of tech support? Tell me what to do and I'll do it- no need to send a 60lb machine off for 2 months when I can take care of it on my end. I even offered to take a video, but was told it wouldn't help. I can dust off the old emp20 and get reads on chips or run whatever diagnotics that would be done 2000miles away in CA, but I need to get another welder/plasma cutter if I have to send my 256 away for 6-8weeks.