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Thread: first tig purchase 325ext

  1. #1

    Default first tig purchase 325ext

    i just purchased 325 ext and w300 torch cooler .looks great ! i got the w300 220 cooler .the 325ext.the tig welder didn't have the plug in on back .it was supposed to according to literature .etc .any one do this?..get computer power ac cord that fits the male end of the cooler cord .cut of the male end of the computer cord ;male end and wire it into the 240v 6-50 nema plug you have to set up with anyway the welder 325ext .you can plug and unplug it just as if there was a socket on the back and it will function the same?one of the tech guy told me this would work..just wanted some practical experience to validate. i got the cart too .just setting it up ..i have little experience tig welding .have a millermatic 180 and an ext 300 dc .that i stick with some ..basically a green horn. any input would be soooo appreciated regarding the cooler plug setup ...long way to go and a ton to learn ..practice practice
    Last edited by duncan; 01-11-2015 at 05:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    That would work. The down side with that is that the cooler will not automatically turn on with the welder. If you ever forget to turn on the cooler and start welding, you will fry your torch cables in seconds. I know for me it would just be a matter of time. A lot would depend on your setup. Like if you have to unplug an move the machine when not using it, turn it off at the breaker, etc. There are a few different ways to get the cooler to turn on with the welder, but nothing is as easy as if the socket was installed on the machine.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #3


    thanks soo much for the insight and warning.i suspected so.i didn't know if it would be cool to put a simple mini sub panel type 40 amp breaker and turn both on with the breaker and use a breaker as a switch for both..? i know some power sucking devices have a soft /and or magnetic start instead of just plain ON/OFF and i am not sure if that would be hard on the machines transistors and digital sophistication . thank you thank you getting the clairity i need to get this going .i know just enough to be dangerous..har har ? maybe?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Haven't seen the back of that model, but most of the other machines actually use a circuit breaker as the main power switch, so what you have in mind should be fine.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    yep it looks like a breaker on the back .thanks a million !! i have to make a super heavy duty extension cord 6 g around 15 feet to get over to my welding table anyway.i'll mount it .if i take it remote i'll have to be careful for sure.

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