Is everlast gonna offer an air carbon arc torch similar to the K2000 for light duty gouging and weld removal for the power Arc 200?
Is everlast gonna offer an air carbon arc torch similar to the K2000 for light duty gouging and weld removal for the power Arc 200?
I will be looking at some different options in the next few
weeks . Mostly with TIG torches and flex heads .
Personally i would like to carry a few different types to offer my customers and i will be working towards this goal in the near future.
your more than welcome to drop me a line or give me a call if you have any suggestions.
I will be away from the 24th till the 31st visiting our manufacturer and i will be looking into a couple of other things while i am there.
Something on the order of the K2000 or a clone would do, there are only about 2 of the smaller carbon sizes that would stay under the 200 amp range for use anyhow. A decent length of cable/air supply would be nice to have, cause there are lots of sparks when that thing is used.