Just a couple of points, You might want to check about the mutiprocess machine and 6010. I do not believe they work well with that rod. If you use 6011 you should be ok, but if you must have 6010, you probably want to get an inverter that has a specific 6010 rating. Also the multiprocess machines are not recommended for CNC or other extended operation like your pantograph, because that kind of operation will often max out the duty cycle. There is a thread here a few years back where rodsmachine rigged up a simple 1:1 tracer for a plasma. A pantograph would be even better as a poorman's CNC. You might also look at MIG/Stick combos, since that sounds like the kind of work you do. Then add a dedicated plasma and you will be good to go, even if you upgrade later to a CNC.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!