I don't believe that machine is good with 6010. Try 6011 instead, it will work fine. DCEP is the norm, but the rod will run with anything. Arc force is more of personal style, but 60% is a good starting point for sure. Inverters do weld different than transformers and way different than engine drives, so you will have to learn to make adjustments to your technique. You can't whip quite as far without going overvoltage. I've never used a machine with VRD, so I don't know, but would guess it might make things harder, if a little safer, so you are probably right to keep that off, at least until you get the hang of it. Don't expect your machine to run like the big ones. It takes a different touch to get the best results. But once you learn it, it will do the job just fine with 6011. If you just have to have 6010, you might want to look at some of the Power Arc machines with a special 6010 mode.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!