Looking to change the polarity of my Mig welder so I can use my spool gun to weld aluminum. Manuel states to contact Everlast for the procedure. All help appreciated! Be specific please.
Looking to change the polarity of my Mig welder so I can use my spool gun to weld aluminum. Manuel states to contact Everlast for the procedure. All help appreciated! Be specific please.
Everlast PowerTig 250EX w/ PowerCool W300
Everlast PowerMig 275S
Everlast PowerPlasma 60S
For aluminum you will still run DCEP so it is the same as steel bare wire MIG, you do need to change your gas from CO2 blend to pure argon. Be sure to download the online manual as it is way better than the ones that come in the box. For things like fluxcore you do need to swap polarity and you do that by moving the busbar. There is no diagram in the 250 manual, but there is one in the 200 manual, and it is probably very similar.
Last edited by Rambozo; 02-11-2015 at 04:27 AM.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!
Thanks Rambozo. Appreciate it.
Everlast PowerTig 250EX w/ PowerCool W300
Everlast PowerMig 275S
Everlast PowerPlasma 60S
I made a post a day ago, but now it seems that it did not post correctly. I must have hit something else instead of post reply. What I get for typing in the dark.
The Power iMIG 250 currently does not change polarity easily. That will be remedied in the future, but as of now, it is a task that requires removing the main cover and rerouting the cables. As Rambozo said, no polarity change is needed to weld aluminum. The only time you might need to change polarity is with flux core.
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